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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why is there so much hate for GTAIV?

WessleWoggle said:
coolestguyever said:
well its worse than any of the PS2 versions of the game.

Fun > Realistic

Vice City/San Andreas were very fun and this game is too realistic and not as fun. The cover system is pointless, massive lag online, driving is sub-par for a game that's half driving.



I used to be a master driver on San Andreas, but on GTA I was driving like a drunk, couldn't turn to save my life.

You DO drive like you are drunk after leaving bars.


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Good Story. But gameplay was dull. I miss my Jets, No offline multiplayer. Gameplay based scores were to high, Graphics based scores were WAY to high [Assassin's Creed pawns it easily when it comes to open world graphics]. Story based scores were a bit over the top.

It was an amazing piece of software for a console no doubt, but just wasn't that great of a game IMO.

4 ≈ One

It became too mainstream, and it became much more realistic over fun, thats the main issues.

The hate mainly comes from Wii only owners and people who have not yet played the game yet. GTA IV FTW.

WessleWoggle said:
I think it deserves the hate because I had more fun with San Andreas.



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because of the been there done that feeling

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

DTG said:
Because the "lower class" (intellectually speaking, though there is a correlation between education, career choice and intellectual capacity) prefers disposable and shallow fun (provided by previous GTA games) vs a deeper, better storyline that provides some sort of intellectual stimulation. 80% of the population is made up of such people.

You are right, the story is very deep in this one, and consistent too

For example, within two hours of playing the game, I've found out that our character does not want to kill anymore, and yet has already needlessly beaten to death 3 people by the end of the second or third mission

it seems that the gta hate usually comes from ps3 fanboys since they lost their biggest exclusivity, so they don't embrace gta like they used to back in the PS2 era. I do know a couple of die hard gta fans who are pissed that 360 version was released day and day with the ps3 version and that 360 are getting the bonus contents.

It's the typical uninspired sequel that is saturating the market. Personally, I found it to be mind numbingly boring and I certainly don't think it deserves anything over a 80% and that's being generous. Most overrated game of all time.

numonex said:
The hate mainly comes from Wii only owners and people who have not yet played the game yet. GTA IV FTW.

This again? Take another look at the thread, or read some user reviews. Compare them with San Andreas.

@perpride: I agree. How could one compare a game like GTAIV to a masterpiece like MKWii... just what are they thinking?