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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Famitsu White Knight Chronicle score (29/40)

Fernando said:
I bet that if Famitsu have gave a 40/40 to WKC, no one would be complaining about the credibility of the magazine.


Sure there would be, I would be warning people that Famitsu is not something to base reviews off of, and you would be telling people it's all hype.


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Believe it or not Max king of the Wild not everyone think every single game on a sony console is amazing. you say this stuff in every single thread. All i'm saying is i won't be surprised if this game doesn't deliver considering past trends of sony exsclusives. as i said the only 2 MUST have games for the system right now are LBP and MGS4 IMO

I guess I'll be renting this puppy - unless I get it for review. Man ... that bites.

BenVTrigger said:
Believe it or not Max king of the Wild not everyone think every single game on a sony console is amazing. you say this stuff in every single thread. All i'm saying is i won't be surprised if this game doesn't deliver considering past trends of sony exsclusives. as i said the only 2 MUST have games for the system right now are LBP and MGS4 IMO


 What the fuck are you smoking?

Fernando said:
I bet that if Famitsu have gave a 40/40 to WKC, no one would be complaining about the credibility of the magazine.

Wow, that's stating the obvious (while still being wrong). I'm sure that if it got a 40/40, a lot of Wii and 360 fans would be talking about just how little credibility Famitsu has.




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Max King of the Wild said:
BenVTrigger said:
Believe it or not Max king of the Wild not everyone think every single game on a sony console is amazing. you say this stuff in every single thread. All i'm saying is i won't be surprised if this game doesn't deliver considering past trends of sony exsclusives. as i said the only 2 MUST have games for the system right now are LBP and MGS4 IMO


 What the fuck are you smoking?



i'm not smoking anything and i'm not saying your a fanboy or anything but i do see you in forumns alot defending sony games and all i'm saying is everyone has their own opinion.  calling out fernando and me for having a perspective doesn't mean we are overexagerating.  we are simply stating those are dissapointing scores from Famitsu

Its sad that people are basing their opinion on this game by what a reviewer says. Oh well people who have the ability to think for themselves will try it out

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

BenVTrigger said:
Believe it or not Max king of the Wild not everyone think every single game on a sony console is amazing. you say this stuff in every single thread. All i'm saying is i won't be surprised if this game doesn't deliver considering past trends of sony exsclusives. as i said the only 2 MUST have games for the system right now are LBP and MGS4 IMO

AND Valkyria Chronicles. (Please go ... no run to your nearest store and grab a copy of Valkyrie Chroniles). BTW this  White Knight Chronicles thing is getting pretty funny at GAF

Famitsu reviews are rarely very negative in what they say about the game, probably out of respect to the companies that pay them for advertisements. In fact, the review text almost never has any substance worth mentioning.

Some of the worst things they will say would be something like, "The game does a good job capturing the feeling of the Harry Potter world, but the performance could have been a little better and the gameplay might feel a bit monotonousness for some players after a while." Translation in western terms: "Well the characters look like actor counterparts and the Harry Potter music is used, but this is one of the most boring and tedious pieces of crap games ever made. The framerate is total ass and makes this abomination just that much more unplayable."


@ Mrstickball

Im only translating what they said. Suppose i should rephrase it for you. Offline is solid and beautiful. I only used the word "awesome" to show offline is better then online but both are solid. As some people cant seem to read the posts properly and are doubting the game cause the online mode has chatting issues. So made it clear for them. And yes this is only based on 1 review at the moment.

I myself dont like Famitsu's way of reviewing games as they tend to bicker about 1 thing and forget to tell people about all the other stuff like the story etc. Saying the Offline is solid makes me go .. HUH? more info on that please.

I was impressed with the trailers for this game. The visuals are stunning and it seems to have an old school feel with the typical Japanese RPG slant. It looked promising. If I had a PS3 i would have bought it.

However, the reviews arent too favorable., and that is odd considering its an RPG. Japanese gamers love RPGs, especially the reviewers. They usually give them better scores than their American counterparts. However, this game got poor reviews.

From what I have read the game is criticized mostly for its dull combat and subpar online mode. But Lost Odyssey had dull combat and no online and I still liked it. Famitsu did however give that game a much better review.

Well, this game is probably not going to be as good as everyone one was hoping it was.