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Forums - Sales Discussion - 300 million consoles will be sold this generation. Read on...

My predictions only here and based on the assumption console generation will last 7 or 8 years.

Wii to sell between 180 million to 200 million.

XBox 360 to sell between 50 to 60 million.

PS3 to sell between 50 to 60 million.

This console generation will see Wii achieve over 60% market share by the end of generation. The other two consoles will be very close and I will say there will be a 5 million gap between XBox 360 and PS3 which could go either way.

Last generation sold around 180 million so there will be around a 50% increase upon last generation in terms of total console sales.

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The J man wouldnt be surprised if the sum of the wii and ds would be higher than that number.

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

You come from the future I see



okay first of all you are lowballing the PS3. 50 million? PS3 will sell at least 75 million

coolestguyever said:
okay first of all you are highballing the ps3 and 360 . 50 million? PS3  will sell at least 35 million and 360 will sell 42 million



This is the prediction when reality plays a factor.

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

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I really don't see a 300-million console mark. Especially not with the economy likely remaining down or getting worse for at least the next 2-3 years.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


wii 200 million? nintendo would have more money than GOD

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

kowenicki said:
300 million? Doubt it.

So when is the next gen console luanching? 2011, 2012... 2013 latest.

We are only just over a 1/4 of the way to 300m consoles sold. o we are going to see 220m sales of consoles in the next 4 years? No way.


Right, and I think due to the historical trends of each console generation, we are seeing the peaks in weekly sales right now.  The first few years of a generation is when the largest, fastest upswing happens.  I think after the holidays, we'll see a slow trend start in less sales per month than prior to that time.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


Well, personally I believe that this will be the case.

Wii: 140-160M

Ps3: 45-55M

X360: 45-55M

So I have this gen at ~ 250M.

A good growth from ~ 190M last gen. (30%)


What is very oftenly missed though, is the handhelds.

DS: 180-210M

PsP: 75-85M

Total: ~ 275M


That is more than all previous generations of handhelds combined. As a matter of fact - DS alone has a change of outselling them all. I repeat, DS alone has a chance of outselling all the 3 previous major Nintendo handhelds combined. 

The handheld market is up over 300% over last generation. Don't stand there and meddle about how the consoles increased 30-40%, which by the way is nothing special.

3rd = 75M (~ 150% increase)

4th = ~ 95M (26% increase)

5th =  ~ 155M (63% increase)

6th = ~ 195M (26% increase)


What this generation is doing, is expanding the number of people playing on each console, so that more people play the console. The number of people playing has a dramatic increase, which is being seen with the software sales. What isn't increasing so much, is the number of consoles sold, although that could be major too (50% if Wii really takes off).

(Note: I ripped a bit of that of Khuutra, so should just say that...)

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

300M? Wow, I think it will be something like:

- Wii: 90-100M
- PS3: 75-85M
- 360: 35-45M
- Total: 200-230M