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Well, personally I believe that this will be the case.

Wii: 140-160M

Ps3: 45-55M

X360: 45-55M

So I have this gen at ~ 250M.

A good growth from ~ 190M last gen. (30%)


What is very oftenly missed though, is the handhelds.

DS: 180-210M

PsP: 75-85M

Total: ~ 275M


That is more than all previous generations of handhelds combined. As a matter of fact - DS alone has a change of outselling them all. I repeat, DS alone has a chance of outselling all the 3 previous major Nintendo handhelds combined. 

The handheld market is up over 300% over last generation. Don't stand there and meddle about how the consoles increased 30-40%, which by the way is nothing special.

3rd = 75M (~ 150% increase)

4th = ~ 95M (26% increase)

5th =  ~ 155M (63% increase)

6th = ~ 195M (26% increase)


What this generation is doing, is expanding the number of people playing on each console, so that more people play the console. The number of people playing has a dramatic increase, which is being seen with the software sales. What isn't increasing so much, is the number of consoles sold, although that could be major too (50% if Wii really takes off).

(Note: I ripped a bit of that of Khuutra, so should just say that...)

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS