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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Star Ocean 4 Box Art Released:Missing "Only On X360" Stamp

Malachi said:
Barozi said:
*~Onna76~* said:

@Mistershine, No smart ass, that's the European pack-shot with the logo that needs local tranlslation:

In German:

This cover is wrong.

1. The name is called "Banjo Kazooie: Schraube Locker" here

2. The USK rates our games, not the ESRB

Really? Is that why some game get released in the rest of europe but not in Germany? They are some game that don't get released in UK or Australia but as far as I know they both use ESRB so I though it was because of different laws in those countries.

I don't know if the ESRB or PEGI have any influence on banning games, but the USK has. It used to be just a recommendation and information for parents about 3 years ago, then they changed the law.... (Sad day, because I was only 15 at that time and I loved violent shooters ^^)

And I hate the new USK logos. They are much larger now. Here is an example (old logo size behind the new sized logo)

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*~Onna76~* said:

360 fans honestly don't wish PS fans "anything" good, do they?!

It was your choice, Onna. I am sorry that RPG fans who own a PS3 are sitting around, hoping for a morsel or two from the dev's table. However, correct me if I am wrong, but you wanted a PS3 with BC and you imported one from Japan, right? I bought a PS3 because I had to have full BC - or nada at all.

MS learned a lot about being late to the table last gen and was sure not to repeat the same mistake twice.

As I stated earlier, if you want a game that's on side system, do one of two things - buy the system or hope and pray it comes to your system. I have little remorse after having to buy a PS to play GTA. I didn't regret it and actually played the Xbox versions more than the PS versions. However, I just took my lumps, manned up and paid the cash.

No one put a Glock to your head and said 'Buy the PS.' You chose it. You made the decision and paid the cash. Blame Sony but don't blame gamers for it.


Soriku said:
MontanaHatchet said:
So far, I haven't anyone comment on the quality of the box art. I think it looks nice.


It's OK. They should've put characters on it though....

No, they shouldn't have. It looks fine as it is.




*~Onna76~* said:

@Mistershine, No smart ass, that's the European pack-shot with the logo that needs local tranlslation:

In Dutch:

In German:

It's a relief to see that game isn't going multiplat!

PSN - hanafuda

hanafuda said:
*~Onna76~* said:

@Mistershine, No smart ass, that's the European pack-shot with the logo that needs local tranlslation:

In Dutch:

In German:


It's a relief to see that game isn't going multiplat!

Said the guy who has no clue about anything....

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probably because it will cum on ps3 later...

toastboy44562 said:
probably because it will cum on ps3 later...

Gross and impossible.




MontanaHatchet said:
toastboy44562 said:
probably because it will cum on ps3 later...

Gross and impossible.


Dude, that'd be one sticky PS3. ROTFLMBO!!!!!


*~Onna76~* said:
badgenome said:
*~Onna76~* said:

360 fans honestly don't wish PS fans "anything" good, do they?!

After the bitchfits thrown in the wake of FFXIII going multiplat, can you really say the inverse is true?

Excuse me?.. don't you think its quite obvious? Tales of Vesperia, Star Ocean IV, Ace Combat 6, Eternal Sonata all games which you 360 owners are so lucky to play first, what did you expect? We start waving out of joy that FFXIII lost its exclusivity? Like PS3 owners haven't already "lost enough" as it is?! You think we're all stupid to realize of how crap the PS3 is doing in sales?

Give me a break. That's nothing compare to the pile of crap you're all throwing at us for the past couple of weeks... what.. months... I lost counting the numbers of PS3 doomed threads which has been spit out around here. Those threads make me so depressed at times I nearly want to throw out my own PS3...

Onna you really need to calm down now, I haven't seen a single Xbox fan attack you or throw out a completely illogical excuse about the Star Ocean box art yet you're going stark raving mad. This thread wasn't made for you to take your anger out on Xbox fans, as for exclusivity I'm 99% positive none of us here have any say about SO4's future, so all any of us can do is sit, wait, watch, and discuss possibilities of the only on Xbox sticker missing. People have lost thousands to millions of dollars from the economy, it's finals week for most American college students, to be upset about something so miniscule in comparison is just naive and immature

As for the box art, I think it's ok, so far my favorite JRPG Boxart is Last Remnant, a game I sadly didn't enjoy. The reason I like the Last Remnant box is because of the shiny hologram, does that mean my attention span is equivalent to a pigeon? Perhaps...Btw when does the back of the box get released, usually I'm more interested in that.


-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

Darc Requiem said:

Yeah there has been bitching on both sides of the fence. Honestly, I don't think it's 360 owners not wishing PS3 owners anything "good." I think 360 owners are just tired of PS3 fans fawning over 360 games.


Are you sure about that. I was under the impression that the Tales Studio didn't have any PS3 dev kits when they started Tales of Vesperia. Which was around 2 and half years ago. One of the reason they cited for developing the game on 360 was that they didn't want to do another PS2 game and the 360 was the only next gen system with complete development kits. I'm sure they have PS3 dev. kits at this point in time. After all, other divisions of Namco have released PS3 titles.

I find that very funny, given people have been crying for MGS 4 on 360 for over two years now.

@ Barozi

It was sacarasm. Calm down.

And lol at whoever said that Namco Bandai doesn't have dev kits to give to the Tales team.

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