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*~Onna76~* said:

360 fans honestly don't wish PS fans "anything" good, do they?!

It was your choice, Onna. I am sorry that RPG fans who own a PS3 are sitting around, hoping for a morsel or two from the dev's table. However, correct me if I am wrong, but you wanted a PS3 with BC and you imported one from Japan, right? I bought a PS3 because I had to have full BC - or nada at all.

MS learned a lot about being late to the table last gen and was sure not to repeat the same mistake twice.

As I stated earlier, if you want a game that's on side system, do one of two things - buy the system or hope and pray it comes to your system. I have little remorse after having to buy a PS to play GTA. I didn't regret it and actually played the Xbox versions more than the PS versions. However, I just took my lumps, manned up and paid the cash.

No one put a Glock to your head and said 'Buy the PS.' You chose it. You made the decision and paid the cash. Blame Sony but don't blame gamers for it.