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Forums - General Discussion - Two questions about star wars

Oyvoyvoyv said:

Why the hell do the rebels shoot at the Jedis, when it is obvious they will just return them? If they can shoot laser, surely they could shoot bullets. Why not use bullets, which would be destroyed, rather than reflected?

Actually, have you seen Ep. 3? Those lasers killed all those Jedis, son.


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That Guy said:
saying "its just a movie, durr" is sort of a copout. Explaining stuff within the universe is the best way to go.

1. Since Anakin grew up on Tatooine, WHY THE HELL DID HE NEVER LOOK AT TATOOINE when he was looking for his son?

2. Why don't they just make bullets out of kryptonite if bad guys wanted to kill superman?

1. He didn't know he had a son initially. Remember, Amidala died shortly after childbirth. He found out that she died - and prolly assumed his children died too. Obi wan dropped Luke off to his uncle's spot and vanished - prolly to not draw attention to his new fam. And there were nada but bad memories there, so why go back? Think about it - he lost his mom there - he was a slave - and it's a desert. Only through the dark side of the Force between Ep. 4 - a New Hope - and Ep. 5 - Empire Strikes Back - did he find out. In Ep. 6, he found out about his daughter Leia. There's a few years gap between Ep. 4 and Ep. 5. Plus, Obi Wan was led by the Force on where to hide Luke.

2. It's pretty hard to find. And then, the movie would be over fast. Actually, couldn't he just throw up a forcefield and melt the bullets before they came?

My question is ...

Did any know how Luke went to the dark side and came back?


madskillz said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:

Why the hell do the rebels shoot at the Jedis, when it is obvious they will just return them? If they can shoot laser, surely they could shoot bullets. Why not use bullets, which would be destroyed, rather than reflected?

Actually, have you seen Ep. 3? Those lasers killed all those Jedis, son.



Also, when you have like 1 million clones taking on about 10,000 Jedi, you are kinda outnumbered. But not by a whole lot. /sarcasm

Snesboy said:
madskillz said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:

Why the hell do the rebels shoot at the Jedis, when it is obvious they will just return them? If they can shoot laser, surely they could shoot bullets. Why not use bullets, which would be destroyed, rather than reflected?

Actually, have you seen Ep. 3? Those lasers killed all those Jedis, son.



Also, when you have like 1 million clones taking on about 10,000 Jedi, you are kinda outnumbered. But not by a whole lot. /sarcasm

All I am saying ... LOL ... is this.

"Execute Order 66."


I don't know why people think episode 3 sucked it was good better than episode 1 and 2.

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OK that raises two further question...

1. if the children (luke and leia) were to be kept low profile to keep them concealed from the empire, then why is one given to the royal family and another to his aunt and uncle. Wouldn't the empire figure that out?

2. Why would anyone want to live on a planet where they have to farm moisture? I'm sure plenty of planets exist that have plenty of water.

Snesboy said:
TheRealMafoo said:
1. Leia was princess because she was adopted by the ruler of Alderan(sp), she was the princess from that planet, and it had no baring on who her real mother was.

2. Snesboy is correct. They were moisture farmers.


I didn't ever think of that.


And on top of that, it was a secret... they didn't tell anyone that she wasn't their real daughter out of the fear that Lord Vader would figure it out and track Leah down.


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highwaystar101 said:
OK that raises two further question...

1. if the children (luke and leia) were to be kept low profile to keep them concealed from the empire, then why is one given to the royal family and another to his aunt and uncle. Wouldn't the empire figure that out?

2. Why would anyone want to live on a planet where they have to farm moisture? I'm sure plenty of planets exist that have plenty of water.


1. You don't go looking for people you believe to be dead. Padme still appeared to be pregnant at the funeral. It's assumed that everyone was told the children died. The Empire had no presence on Tatooine and Organa easily could have falsified documents regarding his adoption.

2. Mining, perhaps. Tatooine is also a spaceport planet... think of it as a truck stop in Wyoming. A few people live around the truckstop, though no rational person can ever figure out why.

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madskillz said:
That Guy said:
saying "its just a movie, durr" is sort of a copout. Explaining stuff within the universe is the best way to go.

1. Since Anakin grew up on Tatooine, WHY THE HELL DID HE NEVER LOOK AT TATOOINE when he was looking for his son?

2. Why don't they just make bullets out of kryptonite if bad guys wanted to kill superman?

1. He didn't know he had a son initially. Remember, Amidala died shortly after childbirth. He found out that she died - and prolly assumed his children died too. Obi wan dropped Luke off to his uncle's spot and vanished - prolly to not draw attention to his new fam. And there were nada but bad memories there, so why go back? Think about it - he lost his mom there - he was a slave - and it's a desert. Only through the dark side of the Force between Ep. 4 - a New Hope - and Ep. 5 - Empire Strikes Back - did he find out. In Ep. 6, he found out about his daughter Leia. There's a few years gap between Ep. 4 and Ep. 5. Plus, Obi Wan was led by the Force on where to hide Luke.

2. It's pretty hard to find. And then, the movie would be over fast. Actually, couldn't he just throw up a forcefield and melt the bullets before they came?

My question is ...

Did any know how Luke went to the dark side and came back?



1. Actually, Palpatine told Vader that he killed Padme at the end of ROTS. It's in the infamous "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" scene. After Lucas's revision he actually doesn't find out he had a son until the Emporer tells him in Empire Strikes Back. He would have no reason to go to Tatooine if he didn't know he had a son.

madskillz said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:

Why the hell do the rebels shoot at the Jedis, when it is obvious they will just return them? If they can shoot laser, surely they could shoot bullets. Why not use bullets, which would be destroyed, rather than reflected?

Actually, have you seen Ep. 3? Those lasers killed all those Jedis, son.




Also, they don't really have any choice. They can't just turn and run if they see a Jedi coming.