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That Guy said:
saying "its just a movie, durr" is sort of a copout. Explaining stuff within the universe is the best way to go.

1. Since Anakin grew up on Tatooine, WHY THE HELL DID HE NEVER LOOK AT TATOOINE when he was looking for his son?

2. Why don't they just make bullets out of kryptonite if bad guys wanted to kill superman?

1. He didn't know he had a son initially. Remember, Amidala died shortly after childbirth. He found out that she died - and prolly assumed his children died too. Obi wan dropped Luke off to his uncle's spot and vanished - prolly to not draw attention to his new fam. And there were nada but bad memories there, so why go back? Think about it - he lost his mom there - he was a slave - and it's a desert. Only through the dark side of the Force between Ep. 4 - a New Hope - and Ep. 5 - Empire Strikes Back - did he find out. In Ep. 6, he found out about his daughter Leia. There's a few years gap between Ep. 4 and Ep. 5. Plus, Obi Wan was led by the Force on where to hide Luke.

2. It's pretty hard to find. And then, the movie would be over fast. Actually, couldn't he just throw up a forcefield and melt the bullets before they came?

My question is ...

Did any know how Luke went to the dark side and came back?