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Forums - Sony Discussion - What Would You Do If You Were Sony?

first of all pay up Square and Polyphony to get FF and GT out of the door ASAP.. History has shown that these series have what it takes to get hardware kicking into gear..advertise those titles like its no ones business! I personally would pick up a ps3 for those 2 games and a minor pricecut..

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.

owner of : atari 2600, commodore 64, NES,gameboy,atari lynx, genesis, saturn,neogeo,DC,PS2,GC,X360, Wii

5 THINGS I'd like to see before i knock out:

a. a AAA 3D sonic title

b. a nintendo developed game that has a "M rating"

c. redesgined PS controller

d. SEGA back in the console business

e. M$ out of the OS business

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SnowWhitesDrug said:
I would buy nintendo shares while the stock market is down. If they focus their attention on that in a few generations time they might border on actually owning nintendo. but im sure there are legal implications preventing this, but it would be a good move I reckon :)

Erm... Nintendo's market cap is over 2.5x more than Sony (yep, the whole company), how in the world would they pull that off? xP

OT: I wouldn't bother with all that bundling. It doesn't work very well, simply because most of the buyers won't value most of the games. I guess I'd consider bundling LBP in every PS3, but that's it.

If software BC with PS2 is doable, of course I'd put it in ASAP. The PS2 has really been slowing down, it's time to look to the future - it'll be fine if PS3 eats up PS2 sales, the software they purchase should more than make up for it. Of course, I'd make sure the PS3 is losing as little as possible (though hard to say, when we have no idea what any company makes/loses per console).

There's not much else to do, but ride out the current slump until the games arrive. For GT5's arrival (push for late Q3 release in the west), a small price cut ($50) with bundles and massive advertising should spark some attention, similar to the MGS4 rise earlier this year (hopefully bigger). Other than that, I think they need to stop spending so much in trying to catch up to the 360 - it can't be done without massive losses. Accept third place, while planning things out for next-gen.

lol hmm... better marketing.

Check out my game about moles ^

I agree with Staude, just need a lot better MARKETING, mainly with the exclusives e features, for example:

1)You can have a Linux desktop on your TV ROOM
2)You can store all your music and videos on it
3)Can rent videos and buy videos
4)Can to Video Conference
5)Can play many, MANY cheap CASUAL Games, such as Pixel Junk Monsters, etc..
6)Exclusives really good, not only on RPG and Platform but also FPS.

Etc..etc... I think Resistence 2 had real MARKETING ISSUES, how a game that can do 60players online sell´s just that? This is new for all consoles! I think marketing is failling, HUGE FAIL.

PSN: franco-br
MGS4, GH, MW2, GT5p, WipeoutHD, etc..etc..


That is all Sony needs to worry about. Not just games. In fact games are the least of the PS3 and PSP's worries. Sony needs to focus on getting software in place for the non gaming consumers.

Here is what I would hit if I was in charge:

The Following relates to PS3


To start off I would make the tie between BR and PS3 even stronger. Starting with being able to aquire and transfer a digital copy all on Playstation hardware. Right now I have to take the digital copy to a computer to gain access to the digital copy and trasfer it to my PSP, that has to go.

Do what it takes to make 3rd parties take advantage of the extra disc space. If it means funding some of the bigger multiplatform games then do so. Make sure next years Madden features more audio, more animations, more texture, and anything else to take advantage of that extra space.


My first move would be to get a subscription plan in place ASAP. Every movie would be available for rent/stream day and date with its DVD release. Like Live TV shows would be going up the night they air. Last and most important I would make sure if you buy content off the store you own it. The consumers should be able to delete and redownload thier content to at least one console as many times as they need to.

Music/Music Videos
The next move I would make is getting a music store on the service. Being part of Sony I would own nearly half of the music industry, and I would fire the ass hole incharge of that division if he did not want to cooperate. If it a company has the Sony name it needs to be part of the team.

PSOne classics would be a huge priority if I was in charge. I would make sure all PSP/PS1/PS2/PS3 games were available for purchase or rent over the service. So obviously that would mean I would be making sure we got our shit together on PS2 emulation. I would also make sure consumers that currently own a DVD or CD of a PSOne/ PS2 title could get a free digital copy for the PS3 or at least a free emulator to make the game playable off the disc.

Online Gaming
Persistant Voice chat is the only issue I have with gaming on PSN.


At the moment I would leave Home and the XMB as seperate applications, but after a month or two of getting everything smooth I would release a firmware upgrade that integrates the two of them into one seamless OS. I would make sure you could do everything short of playing games without leaving Home. I would push hard to partener with as many companies in and out of the gamines industry. A method for purchasing everything from cloths to kitchen sinks would be implment in which users would get the real deal, and a digital copy for their home space/avatar.

I would make sure that every indusrty possible would benifit from being in Home. As Audi has already signed on, and PD has a great relationship with them I would strive to make sure everyone worked together to help Audi market within Home. I would help make sure they had a digital showroom that featured all their new cars, and thanks to a little help from Sony we would make sure users could downlaod a test track running on the GT engine, and try out any car they are interested in. Then we would make sure that users could contact a Audi customer service rep to learn more about the car if they had enough interest. I would go as far to make it possible to finance a car and have it shipped to your house or a dealer all through Playstation Home.

I would make sure we held tons of major events payed and free from within Home. From concerts to car shows, gaming conventions, and electronics shows. Home would become a place were people want to check out everyday to see what is new, and it would all be accessable buy taping the PS button at any time in the XMB. I would look to websites to make spaces in Home so places like IGN, Gamespot, and 1up could have a place for PS3 users to come check out the news and chat about games.

Most importantly I would make sure it was not only about Sony products. If Apple, Microsoft, Nintendo, Samsung, or any other competitor wanted to make a space I would not oblige. In fact I would incurage them to join in on Home, and sell and advertise thier products though our service. Customers that have a 360 can have it attatched to thier Toshiba TV in Home if they so desired.

Games w/Home Integration
I would make Home a seemless part of every gaming experiance. Trophies, unlockable content, game lobbys, events based on the games, and more. I would turn the Home lobby into the main menu of games, allowing users to interact with others befor a game or simply jump right into single player or online games. Home would be the senter of everything to do with the community side of every game on the system.

I would strive to make each of these areas more user freindly. In the photos section I would add an application to edit photos, combine pictures for backgrounds, and create animated gifs. I would make sure that users could move their photos around much more easly, abd give them more levels of gouping. In the music section I would allow users to listen through music without it stopping everytime a CD ends. I would allow track to be edited so users could make ringtone from any music on their system. In the movie/video section I would allow users to edit video to an extent. I would let users make video playlists. I would also make sure at least all quicktime, and WMV files would work on the system.

Internat Browser
I would just make sure that the browser stays stisfactory. Playstation users would have Home so the use of the browser would be very limited, and only neccicary if a product or information could not be found inside Home.

Users would be able to lock thier account and content through password. When downloading content they would have the option to make it viewable by only themselves, everyone on the system, or just a select few.

The Following relates to PSP


I would make sure PSP had every feature mentioned in the PS3 section directly on the system.


Tropies would be number one on my to do list for the PSP.


I would completly revamp the structure of the XMB on the PSP to make it function more like to PS3. In game XMB would be made possible for all PSP models 2000 and new. On the Fly music playlists would be a must. A broder rage of video formats would be made functional.


This system does need games, and from all suppoting casts. I would make sure our first party teams were not abandoning th unit, and though support behind third parties to get some unique projects on the system.

I think that the above is the most imporatant things Sony can do for thier systems in the next year. The prices are fine for both units, and with the right software and services they can sell very ealy at the current mark. If Sony were to make all of that happen along with revising the harware again next year slimming down the PS3 and cutting it to $299, while giving the PSP access to the 3G networks, adding built in storage, and a built in 6MP camera they would be set.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


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we need more advanced pseye games !

Check out my game about moles ^

Ohhh GOD, Home become XMB, this is OS impossible... need to be lightweight...

PSN: franco-br
MGS4, GH, MW2, GT5p, WipeoutHD, etc..etc..

There is nothing Sony can do on price right now, so any immediate price cut is out of the question.

$400 model. Add LBP as pack-in. No BC.
$500 model. Add Resistance2 (or equivalent), headset and full PS2 BC.

Reduce price by $100 on each model. (spring/summer if possible)
Make sure the games for 2009 actually make it in 2009. (GTA5, FFXIII Japan, GoW3, etc)
Better advertising.
PS3 slim by next Christmas.
Wait out the economic crisis.

Make a PS3 Slim. People got pissed when the PS2 dumped some of it's features to become a slimmer version, but when all that really mattered were the games, we quickly got over it.

PS3 Slim should dump wireless, all but two USB ports, SD Card Reader, those "touch sensitive" Power and Eject buttons, and Folding Home (The REAL reason the PS3 is faltering is because it tried to FIGHT CANCER! Cancer is clever, and supports Nintendo.)

PS2 to PS3 adapter, wireless Wi-Fi adapter should be optional so that those who think it's worthwhile can add those features if they want. Charge $199 to $250 for the Slim PS3 and $50 for the add on's, and Chad Warden may just live to make another video.

- Keep the price to ensure the company and division do well.
- Emphaize value. Advertise BR capabilities, other multimedia capabilities, give vouchers for BR movies with a purchase of a PS3. All this while showing the games that the PS3 offers.
- BC has to come back. How expensive is the Emotion Engine anyway? Sony, you have a large userbase of PS2 users, how about getting them to buy a PS3? Every SKU has to have it.
- Bundles. Every SKU will have a game bundled with it. Each and every one. $400 for an SKU with one game. $425 for one with two games. $400 SKU will have two vouchers for BR movies, $425 will have three.
- When the division starts being profitable, drop the price to $350 and $375. Then, $300 and $325. The bundles stay!
- Better marketing: Just show off the games. As simple as that.
- Aggresive marketing: aim at the weknesses of your opponents. Like 360 hidden costs, etc...