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I agree with Staude, just need a lot better MARKETING, mainly with the exclusives e features, for example:

1)You can have a Linux desktop on your TV ROOM
2)You can store all your music and videos on it
3)Can rent videos and buy videos
4)Can to Video Conference
5)Can play many, MANY cheap CASUAL Games, such as Pixel Junk Monsters, etc..
6)Exclusives really good, not only on RPG and Platform but also FPS.

Etc..etc... I think Resistence 2 had real MARKETING ISSUES, how a game that can do 60players online sell´s just that? This is new for all consoles! I think marketing is failling, HUGE FAIL.

PSN: franco-br
MGS4, GH, MW2, GT5p, WipeoutHD, etc..etc..