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Forums - Sales Discussion - If last year ends up being PS3's peak year...

oh and people here are forgeting that the ps3s out 2 years now and it has sold 2 mil more systems than the xbox 360 sold in its first 2 years.when it was out 1 and a half years it sold around the same as the ps2 did in its first 1 and a half take all that into account before yous come to conclusions

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RolStoppable said:
If the PS3 goes down, it's going to take a lot of the 360 3rd party support with it, so the 360's end will be near as well. Could be interesting.

are you an idiotic stupid fanboy or just an idiot?

MS is making tons of money on gamesales and so are the publishers. The only one making money on the wii is nintendo. Do you really think that all the big publishers stop making games when the last console in place failes?

They cant join the wii, since nobody with a wii cares about anything else then mario

...people really amaze me recently.

After a terrible 2007, and when things actually start going well, games start coming out by the shitload, support grows both in quality and in quantity... it's gonna be discontinued.

What are you on?

The Gamecube was 3rd both in Europe and NA, and? did they discontinue it quickly? no, they did the best they could with it...

I don't know what's more redicilous, Legend11's thread or yours.


Xen said:
...people really amaze me recently.

After a terrible 2007, and when things actually start going well, games start coming out by the shitload, support grows both in quality and in quantity... it's gonna be discontinued.

What are you on?

The Gamecube was 3rd both in Europe and NA, and? did they discontinue it quickly? no, they did the best they could with it...

I don't know what's more redicilous, Legend11's thread or yours.


GC vs Ps3 is a flawed here too.

GC was very profitable, but didn't sell HW.

Ps3 loses a buttload of money, but does pretty decently HW wise (heck, it might beat the SNES).


I agree with your conclusion, Sony will stick with Ps3, but using GC to get there is wrong, as it was profitable overall (or very close to, going about dead even, with GBA earning a bit).

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Oyvoyvoyv said:
Xen said:
...people really amaze me recently.

After a terrible 2007, and when things actually start going well, games start coming out by the shitload, support grows both in quality and in quantity... it's gonna be discontinued.

What are you on?

The Gamecube was 3rd both in Europe and NA, and? did they discontinue it quickly? no, they did the best they could with it...

I don't know what's more redicilous, Legend11's thread or yours.


GC vs Ps3 is a flawed here too.

GC was very profitable, but didn't sell HW.

Ps3 loses a buttload of money, but does pretty decently HW wise (heck, it might beat the SNES).


I agree with your conclusion, Sony will stick with Ps3, but using GC to get there is wrong, as it was profitable overall (or very close to, going about dead even, with GBA earning a bit).


Point taken... but it was only to show that a company won't drop a product easily.

Discontinue a famous and big brand? make no mistake, Sony, even now, can support it well (and games prove me as right here)

If it were dropped, it'd be far earlier in its lifetime. Not when it could be breaking even and selling software well.



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Xen said:
...people really amaze me recently.

After a terrible 2007, and when things actually start going well, games start coming out by the shitload, support grows both in quality and in quantity... it's gonna be discontinued.

What are you on?

The Gamecube was 3rd both in Europe and NA, and? did they discontinue it quickly? no, they did the best they could with it...

I don't know what's more redicilous, Legend11's thread or yours.


Some good points, but Nintendo has never lost their ass on hardware. Sony does and has to make it up in software sales.


badgenome said:
Xen said:
...people really amaze me recently.

After a terrible 2007, and when things actually start going well, games start coming out by the shitload, support grows both in quality and in quantity... it's gonna be discontinued.

What are you on?

The Gamecube was 3rd both in Europe and NA, and? did they discontinue it quickly? no, they did the best they could with it...

I don't know what's more redicilous, Legend11's thread or yours.


Some good points, but Nintendo has never lost their ass on hardware. Sony does and has to make it up in software sales.


I anwsered that above, heh...

As for their current losses in that division, I'd believe PS2 hardware and software sales, PSP hardware sales and PS3 software sales cover them well, and maybe even rack profits...


geddesmond2 said:

hold up a second and stop.there is lots of things yous aint taking into consideration.ps3 sales will die down in 2009 because of the worlds economy and when the worlds economy balances out again ps3 sales will go strong again weather it be 2010 or 2011 and by then the ps3 will have dropped in price again.the only reason microsoft has doubled there sales is because of the price drop and the economic status at the minute.if the economy wasnt the way it is and microsoft still dropped there price they wouldnt have the numbers they have now.

                                                                           the release of gow3,uncharted 2,ff13 and verses,killzone 2,mag and dc universe online,heavy rain and the few other suprises they have coming will keep people wanting this consol reguardless.ps3 wont die but if it did microsoft wouldnt win.instead theyll be blamed for destroying the consol gaming generation cas i for one will be finished with gaming and i know thousands others feel that same way 2

Your new so I will explain this to you now: Last year proved that only exceptional games will move consoles (last year happened to be MGS4.) All the other games sony-enthusiasts followed like the next messias did not move any hardware whatsoever. None of the games you listed will move any hardware I believe, as most are fan-services for the current PS3 fans - and they already have their console.

GT5 will sell units in Europe, and FF13 will sell PS3s in Japan but outside of those two, not much will happen.

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Metsadah said:
RolStoppable said:
If the PS3 goes down, it's going to take a lot of the 360 3rd party support with it, so the 360's end will be near as well. Could be interesting.

are you an idiotic stupid fanboy or just an idiot?

MS is making tons of money on gamesales and so are the publishers. The only one making money on the wii is nintendo. Do you really think that all the big publishers stop making games when the last console in place failes?

They cant join the wii, since nobody with a wii cares about anything else then mario

You can't be serious?  How many games do you think are Gears of War, Call of Duty and other major franchises?  The only people who would continue putting games on 360 would be developers with major franchises namely Activision, Ubisoft and EA with their sports games.  360 would be dead before very long.  For example if not for PS3 there is absolutely no way RE5 would be on 360 because a Resident Evil game on Wii would sell as much as one on 360 and cost much less to make.  And that is a very big franchise.  Imagine what it would be for smaller franchises and developers.  I am also basing that on current user bases.  If PS3 died in 2009 (which it won't) by that time Wii sales would be like 40 million ahead of 360.  There is no way many games would sell more on 360 than on Wii with such a huge difference in userbase. 

Also if the only people making money on Wii is Nintendo that is because 3rd parties are clueless.  But that is not even the case.  Without putting proper support on Wii 3rd parties are still making money on Wii.  Just because 3rd party games don't sell 1 million week one does not mean they aren't making money.  There are tons of Wii 3rd party games that will sell more than Too Human for example which is one of the biggest budget games ever apparently.


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Xen said:
badgenome said:
Xen said:
...people really amaze me recently.

After a terrible 2007, and when things actually start going well, games start coming out by the shitload, support grows both in quality and in quantity... it's gonna be discontinued.

What are you on?

The Gamecube was 3rd both in Europe and NA, and? did they discontinue it quickly? no, they did the best they could with it...

I don't know what's more redicilous, Legend11's thread or yours.


Some good points, but Nintendo has never lost their ass on hardware. Sony does and has to make it up in software sales.


I anwsered that above, heh...

As for their current losses in that division, I'd believe PS2 hardware and software sales, PSP hardware sales and PS3 software sales cover them well, and maybe even rack profits...


Well the latest numbers published by sony reported a loss for the division. Sony lost 400 million USD (don't know the exact number but in this range) in 3 months.

So with a profitable PS2 (hardware + Software) profitable PSP (hardware) they still reported a loss of 400 million USD. So I leave it up to you to estimate the generated profits of the PSP and PS2. Add the combined profit to 400 million and you get the loss the PS3 made in 3 months.

Or am I misreading your post?


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