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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - RUMOR: GeoW3 Q4 2010

well if it wasnt for geow2 in 2008, 360 gaming would have been pittance this year, i dunno what big blockbuster they have for 2009 mabey geometry wars 3?

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

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GeOW 1, 2 and 3 are supposed to be the exclusive 360 titles Microsoft has a contract on.

Definitely all on Xbox 360 too.

2006: Gears of War
2007: Mass Effect
2008: Gears of War 2
2009: Mass Effect II?
2010: Gears of War 3?
2011: Mass Effect III??
2012: New Xbox console???

Sorry, but it all just makes a lot of sense to me.

Skeeuk said:

well if it wasnt for geow2 in 2008, 360 gaming would have been pittance this year, i dunno what big blockbuster they have for 2009 mabey geometry wars 3?


Have you ever made a post that didn't cast the 360 in a bad light? Just curious because I can't remember one.


On topic: I think they could do  it easily considering they got Gears 2 done in that same amount of time.  I also realls like Darth Tigris analysis - I want ME 2 completed as fast as is humanly possible.

Darth Tigris said:
2006: Gears of War
2007: Halo 3, Mass Effect
2008: Gears of War 2
2009: Mass Effect II?
2010: Gears of War 3?
2011: Mass Effect III??
2012: New Xbox console??? with Halo 4

Sorry, but it all just makes a lot of sense to me.



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The Xbox 3 will be released in Nov 2011.

This gen's one year head start was a huge success for MS. Of cause they will repeat it.

Great i just have to complete one and two

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

vlad321 said:
I just realized, how are you gonna get 5 peeps? I mean, only 4 will be able to do coop on 1 console, and imagine if they did a split screen for them all.... The idea seems great, but I think the implementation will be very meh.

Online Coop/System Link

halogamer1989 said:
So Xbox 720 for 2010? Man I still need to get Gears 2...


I was thinking more along the lines of this being the last "beast" on the 360. They could release the 720 in holiday of 2011 and ride the Cole Train for a good year before the new system is out. Atleast thats what I'm hoping - that Microsoft pushs this console for 5 to 6 years before putting out their next, especially with the RROD fiasco (use the time to develope better hardware reliability!).

It's just that simple.

gebx said:
vlad321 said:
I just realized, how are you gonna get 5 peeps? I mean, only 4 will be able to do coop on 1 console, and imagine if they did a split screen for them all.... The idea seems great, but I think the implementation will be very meh.


Its called online coop....


I know exactly what it's called, too bad GoW is at its best when the guy playing with you is right next to you on the couch. Even if it was 4 peeps, how is it gonna look when you split the screen 4 ways?

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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