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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What Was The Last Video Game You Replayed Because It Was Fun

nights into dreams
Fighters megamix

mario kart: DD

soul caliber 3


dead or alive4

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.

owner of : atari 2600, commodore 64, NES,gameboy,atari lynx, genesis, saturn,neogeo,DC,PS2,GC,X360, Wii

5 THINGS I'd like to see before i knock out:

a. a AAA 3D sonic title

b. a nintendo developed game that has a "M rating"

c. redesgined PS controller

d. SEGA back in the console business

e. M$ out of the OS business

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FF9 was the last one. It's one of my favorite games.

My blog: TsalagiDragon on Wordpress

My online store: Tsalagi Dreams 

My Twitter: @Scary4Eva

Mass Effect.

Call of Duty World At War on the Wii, earlier today

MGS4 still play it practically every time my PS3 is on.

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mercs 2
rainbow six vegas 2
super mario brothers 3
BF: bad company
dead rising

playing through all of them again ..... some with friends, others for my self....


edit .... i would pick up a wii, or download this gam eon XBL


battletanx:GA  god that was fun back in the day.... my carts for both of those are dead.... stupied brother spilled soda on them 9 years ago

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

L4D is the only game i can stomach to replay.

Resident evil 4 wii currently on my 8th playthrough(1 on normal, 7 on pro)
besides that i've done:
terranigma 6 times
majoras mask like 9 complete playthroughs and around 12 uncomplete ones
FF8 4 times
mario galaxy 4 day marathons(2 days to get all 120 star with each brother)
Metroid prime 3 3 hypermode playthroughs

and was gonna list symphonia but i haven't replayed it a lot(2 playthroughs) its just very time comnsuming(170 hours and counting)


Mass Effect - for the 4th time.

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

Simply a wonderful game, and it looks gorgeous!