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Forums - Sony Discussion - Why Reistance 2 just isn't comparable to Gears .

MontanaHatchet said:
ultimate_123 said:
Staude said:

resistance is awesome

btw gears got it's cover system from killzwitch. Nothing revolutionary about it.

But what game had a better and more smoother cover system? Anyway I haven't even heard of killzwitch.


Gears of War 2 is a sequel. It adds a lot of improvements over the first one, but it is in no way revolutionary. The main differences are grenade sticking (no doubt taken from Halo or some other game), an overpowered chainsaw (which is great in campaign but a nightmare online), and a glitched up shotgun. You also get to choose between walking incredibly slow or having to do a shuttle run and bonking your head into walls (and thus cover) like a mad cow. If Gears 2 had major differences from the first one, it might have been groundbreaking. But it really hasn't.



Gears of War 2's gameplay may not be revolutionary, but it definitely delivers what others couldn't bring to the genre in depth 3rd person close to cinematic experience. Gears of war 2 is gripping.

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S.T.A.G.E. said:
MontanaHatchet said:
ultimate_123 said:
Staude said:

resistance is awesome

btw gears got it's cover system from killzwitch. Nothing revolutionary about it.

But what game had a better and more smoother cover system? Anyway I haven't even heard of killzwitch.


Gears of War 2 is a sequel. It adds a lot of improvements over the first one, but it is in no way revolutionary. The main differences are grenade sticking (no doubt taken from Halo or some other game), an overpowered chainsaw (which is great in campaign but a nightmare online), and a glitched up shotgun. You also get to choose between walking incredibly slow or having to do a shuttle run and bonking your head into walls (and thus cover) like a mad cow. If Gears 2 had major differences from the first one, it might have been groundbreaking. But it really hasn't.



Gears of War 2's gameplay may not be revolutionary, but it definitely delivers what others couldn't bring to the genre in depth 3rd person close to cinematic experience. Gears of war 2 is gripping.


So was Unreal Championship 2, Gears is not the only game to ever bring in a great story to the TPS genre. Killswitch was awesome too.

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Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453

resistance 2 is a good game, graphics are good not great, campaign is alot worse than the 1st game,the ending sucked big time, the online mode is where the true fun is to be had with resistance 2, overall i like the game but i dont think resistance 2 did anything that was new or really worth while. gears 2 is alot better than the 1st, i beat the game with my oldest nephew this past week, graphics are alot better than the 1st game,online mode is cool,gears 2 is very polished from top to bottom, the horde mode is a great mode and the best new online mode i've seen in a long time, also like other ppl have said gears 2 should be compared to other 3rd person shooters and not a fps , similar in nature but thats about it. after really getting into the online mode in resistance 2 and enjoying it alot, i would give resistance 2 now a score of 9.4/10 and gears 2 a 10/10.





ssj12 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
MontanaHatchet said:
ultimate_123 said:
Staude said:

resistance is awesome

btw gears got it's cover system from killzwitch. Nothing revolutionary about it.

But what game had a better and more smoother cover system? Anyway I haven't even heard of killzwitch.


Gears of War 2 is a sequel. It adds a lot of improvements over the first one, but it is in no way revolutionary. The main differences are grenade sticking (no doubt taken from Halo or some other game), an overpowered chainsaw (which is great in campaign but a nightmare online), and a glitched up shotgun. You also get to choose between walking incredibly slow or having to do a shuttle run and bonking your head into walls (and thus cover) like a mad cow. If Gears 2 had major differences from the first one, it might have been groundbreaking. But it really hasn't.



Gears of War 2's gameplay may not be revolutionary, but it definitely delivers what others couldn't bring to the genre in depth 3rd person close to cinematic experience. Gears of war 2 is gripping.


So was Unreal Championship 2, Gears is not the only game to ever bring in a great story to the TPS genre. Killswitch was awesome too. I said. Gears delivered what other games couldn't in the genre.

Yeah, R2 is far better online than Gears2. Cant speak on the single player as I have not played it, and have only played a little R2 campaign. The online however kills gears2. The shear mass of the levels and number of enemies online is amazing. Smooth framerate, only 2 network issues total and a very good lineup up weapons. No game deserves a perfect score, but R2 is a game that should be pretty close.

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From what I've seen

Resistance2 > Gears2

I don't really find anything "GroundBreaking" in Gears2.... :S......

4 ≈ One

gears 2 online is horrible though, and in this gen online is what matters. resistance 2 has the better online.





The problem I have with Gears 2 is the party system. If you have no one online to play with it will take 15 to 20 minutes to get into a game plus why not switch to another map after a match instead of putting you back to the party lobby? that's another 20 minutes I have to wait before the next game starts and why can't I just quit a game instead of playing through a lagged game or being outnumbered 5 to 1 before I spawn because my team got disconnected, but when you actually get into a game with no lag, even teams and no one calling you a dickhead for grabbing the Torque Bow or Longshot then it is a good game.

btw alot of people on Xbox LIVE need to grow up because if your bitching at someone for taking a weapon you want in a video game and it gets to the point where they are asking what your home address is so they can cut your throat because you chainsaw their ass three straight rounds is sad and pathetic. I had LIVE for 2 months now and I have had people call me a dicklicker and an asshole. Three people threaten to kill me over the voice mail and messages from people wanting to rape my family. Yeah the new Xbox LIVE experience is great! I had nothing like this happen to me on PSN and I've had it for 2 years.

GamerTag/PSN ID JoshmyersBV (please add me I have 2 friends on Xbox Live)

I think Resistance 2 was rushed (hello KillZone2), and in turn they left out much needed co-op for the main campaign. This game would have been huge i think if the Main campaign wasn't perceived as a step backwards. I do think the 3rd person narrative, and feel of the first game was more artistic and unique, while some didn't like it - it made the game differentiate itself from the competition. (listening to everyone's complaints doesn't always make a better game) The co-op was very original, kind of a rpg for shooters, but really is no excuse to not include at least split screen co op for the main campaign. It would have balanced the perceived value of all the modes, considering the amount of manpower that went into it. And review scores would have reflected it. It's also too niche to make a game this hard.

Gears 2 for me was very well done for the main campaign the storytelling really screamed high production values. They did a wonderful job making a game into a video game version of a Hollywood blockbuster. It's a great game to play with a friend on the same system. Seemed like the better game to me.


Simple, remember that a lot of Xbox360 owners are Halo fans, and a good percentage of them are kids that need a psych consult like the Angry German Kid (look at the original video and see why he is mad in reality)...