MontanaHatchet said:
Gears of War 2 is a sequel. It adds a lot of improvements over the first one, but it is in no way revolutionary. The main differences are grenade sticking (no doubt taken from Halo or some other game), an overpowered chainsaw (which is great in campaign but a nightmare online), and a glitched up shotgun. You also get to choose between walking incredibly slow or having to do a shuttle run and bonking your head into walls (and thus cover) like a mad cow. If Gears 2 had major differences from the first one, it might have been groundbreaking. But it really hasn't.
Gears of War 2's gameplay may not be revolutionary, but it definitely delivers what others couldn't bring to the genre in depth 3rd person close to cinematic experience. Gears of war 2 is gripping.