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I think Resistance 2 was rushed (hello KillZone2), and in turn they left out much needed co-op for the main campaign. This game would have been huge i think if the Main campaign wasn't perceived as a step backwards. I do think the 3rd person narrative, and feel of the first game was more artistic and unique, while some didn't like it - it made the game differentiate itself from the competition. (listening to everyone's complaints doesn't always make a better game) The co-op was very original, kind of a rpg for shooters, but really is no excuse to not include at least split screen co op for the main campaign. It would have balanced the perceived value of all the modes, considering the amount of manpower that went into it. And review scores would have reflected it. It's also too niche to make a game this hard.

Gears 2 for me was very well done for the main campaign the storytelling really screamed high production values. They did a wonderful job making a game into a video game version of a Hollywood blockbuster. It's a great game to play with a friend on the same system. Seemed like the better game to me.