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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii Music sells 1 million - bitter tears flow profusely

amp316 said:
Where's tuoyo?

Thankfully I did not know about this thread until now.

Anyway I am glad about Wii Music sales because it is only 1 million so far.  I thought it would be at 3 million by now and I was worried it would be at 10 million by this time next year and it would be the end of gaming as we know it.  Thankfully it looks like that is not going to happen. 


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RolStoppable said:
Now I feel even more offended by this game's existence.

I understand how someone could like or dislike Wii Music but "offended"???  Some how I have a hard time finding anything offensive in a game/activity that's just about making music when in another thread they are fighting it out over which particular blood soaked orgy of murder, mayhem and uber violence to enshrine as Game of the Year.


noname2200 said:
BMaker11 said:
noname2200 said:
BMaker11 said:
ClaudeLv250 said:

I would just like to take the time to congratulate Wii Music and Nintendo, for thinking outside of the box.

Aside from praising them for selling a million copies...I have to ask, why are you praising them for "thinking outside the box" with this game? Wii Music is doing nothing more than what Rock Band did last year...even less actually. At least RB is interactive. With Wii Music, you're still pretty much using an air guitar or air drums

Oh child.

Oh my sweet, ignorant little child.


I weep for thy ignorance, and pray that it is rectified someday.


What? There's no ignorance in what I said

There's the gameplay. Drop that Wiimote and Nunchuk and you doing the same thing you were doing when you were 5. At least something like Guitar Hero takes some hand eye coordination.  Try and prove the video evidence wrong...please and thank you.

If you tell me that vibrating the nunchuk up and down is more innovative, or at least in your sense, makes my statement "ignorant", than actually matching fast paced notes on screen (which in actuality, learning guitar is VERY similar because instead of notes on a screen, you have tabs on a piece of paper), then...well, there's nothing more to say. I'll give up


No no no, you silly little boy! You see only what you want to see, and thus understand nothing. :-/

Guitar Hero may need hand-eye coordination. Wii Music also needs hand-eye coordination, and something more beside: musical taste, and originality. You're not playing a glorified (albeit fun!) game of Simon Says; you're rearranging music in real time with the instruments of your choice. It's something no game has ever allowed before, something no other developer has so far envisioned. Is that not originality?

But please, don't take my word for it. Play it yourself.

Or, continue with your willful ignorance. From the posts you've written so far, I can safely say that your opinion has ceased to matter a long while ago. I just take some pleasure in pointing out your silliness and foolishness. It's fun!

Nah, I think I'll pass. I'll just continue waggling my hands in the air in the motion of instruments, and imagine musical notes in my head.....that way I don't have to waste $50

All Wii Music has done was given that example a physical form (the Wiimote). I don't care that it sold 1 million. Great for it. But don't say I'm ignorant for pointing out the obvious. You put the wiimote and the nunchuk in the position you'd hold a guitar, then you waggle thus replicating guitar notes. You put it up to your face and push buttons, thus replicating a harmonica. You waggle both ridiculously, thus replicating drums.....tell me how that is any different than doing so without the controllers in hand and the Wii turned on the TV screen. In reality, I'm playing Wii Music right now, because I'm playing air guitar right now....the sounds are in my imagination, but I'm still going through the motions.

How about this, look at the video again, and turn the volume down....look familiar to something you were doing when you were a kid?

As for regards to it selling because in reality it's really good, despite reviews....I guess Mario and Sonic is game of the century because despite getting a 67 on metacritic, between the Wii and DS, it's sold over 9.5 million copies

/rant over


BMaker11 said:

Nah, I think I'll pass. I'll just continue waggling my hands in the air in the motion of instruments, and imagine musical notes in my head.....that way I don't have to waste $50

All Wii Music has done was given that example a physical form (the Wiimote). I don't care that it sold 1 million. Great for it. But don't say I'm ignorant for pointing out the obvious. You put the wiimote and the nunchuk in the position you'd hold a guitar, then you waggle thus replicating guitar notes. You put it up to your face and push buttons, thus replicating a harmonica. You waggle both ridiculously, thus replicating drums.....tell me how that is any different than doing so without the controllers in hand and the Wii turned on the TV screen. In reality, I'm playing Wii Music right now, because I'm playing air guitar right now....the sounds are in my imagination, but I'm still going through the motions.

How about this, look at the video again, and turn the volume down....look familiar to something you were doing when you were a kid?

As for regards to it selling because in reality it's really good, despite reviews....I guess Mario and Sonic is game of the century because despite getting a 67 on metacritic, between the Wii and DS, it's sold over 9.5 million copies

/rant over


Too bad you didn't take this attitude with Rock Band. You could have saved yourself a couple hundred dollars. There really isn't any difference whether you use controllers or not, after all. And the notes in your imagination are apparently superior to any actual air vibrations.

I don't think it's fair for you to take out your frustrations at wasting $200 on Wii Music, though.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

BMaker11 said:

ah, I think I'll pass. I'll just continue waggling my hands in the air in the motion of instruments, and imagine musical notes in my head.....that way I don't have to waste $50

All Wii Music has done was given that example a physical form (the Wiimote). I don't care that it sold 1 million. Great for it. But don't say I'm ignorant for pointing out the obvious. You put the wiimote and the nunchuk in the position you'd hold a guitar, then you waggle thus replicating guitar notes. You put it up to your face and push buttons, thus replicating a harmonica. You waggle both ridiculously, thus replicating drums.....tell me how that is any different than doing so without the controllers in hand and the Wii turned on the TV screen. In reality, I'm playing Wii Music right now, because I'm playing air guitar right now....the sounds are in my imagination, but I'm still going through the motions.

How about this, look at the video again, and turn the volume down....look familiar to something you were doing when you were a kid?

As for regards to it selling because in reality it's really good, despite reviews....I guess Mario and Sonic is game of the century because despite getting a 67 on metacritic, between the Wii and DS, it's sold over 9.5 million copies

/rant over


You're making a fool of yourself. You obviously don't understand the game in the least and have made up your mind about it because you want to hate it for some reason.

Saying that playing Wii Music is like playing air guitar is meaningless, I could say that Gears of War 2 is nothing more than me holding a stick and pretending to shoot some guy in the head. In fact, I'm doing that right now since I am imagining it in my head.

In the real world however, Wii music offers a much deeper music experience than any other game in the market right now. To use the guitar as an example, using the various types of input you can play the guitar just with straight notes, or you can play muted notes, you may play chords, or muted chords, you can add pitch bending and vibrato, you can even do double picking. All these different teqhniques gives creative possibility that a game like guitar hero doesn't come close to offering. And this is for the guitar alone, there are tons of other instruments that I don't even have the first clue yet about how to play well.

If you want to hate the game, fine, go ahead, I am sure it makes you feel serious and manly, but don't run your mouth about the game when you know absolutely nothing about it.


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bmaker is trolling. Let him/her just fuck off.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

BMaker11 said:
ClaudeLv250 said:

I would just like to take the time to congratulate Wii Music and Nintendo, for thinking outside of the box. With this weeks software numbers, Wii Music should be over 1 million.

Through endless whining, selfish confessions and hostile receptions, Nintendo has once again provided an enjoyable experience to over a million customers, proving once again that they know the market better than bitter fanboys.

You go Nintendo.

Aside from praising them for selling a million copies...I have to ask, why are you praising them for "thinking outside the box" with this game? Wii Music is doing nothing more than what Rock Band did last year...even less actually. At least RB is interactive. With Wii Music, you're still pretty much using an air guitar or air drums


"Rock Band is to Wii Music as rail shooters are to first-person shooters."

          - famousringo

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LordTheNightKnight said:
bmaker is trolling. Let him/her just fuck off.

No, no. This is entertaining. Let him prattle on about a game he's clearly never played. If he doesn't get it out now he's probably just going to vandalize the Wii Music wall with all the other trolls.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

leo-j said:
Whats wii chess??

It's an ultra violent FPS shooter where you play the White Knight and have to gun your way through hordes of Black Pawns to take out the evil empeoror the Black King and his large brested anime like sourceous the Black Queen who seems to have the amazing power to teleport anywhere!

Or it's chess on the Wii.

I forget which.


DMeisterJ said:
LBP was "the most important game ever"? I don't remember reading that.

Anyway, congrats Wii Music, and LBP for both crossing the million threshold.

LittleBigPlanet will be “the most important game ever”, says source