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Forums - Sony Discussion - IGN: "The Value of the PlayStation 3."

goddog said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
goddog said:
Squilliam said:
Yawn, another retarded comparisons.

HD cables = sure I get it, you need it for HD content.

Wireless? = Whatever.


I agree.... WiFi  not needed... actually worse then ethernet, not a good gaming standard as far as im concerned (and yes I have tried it on various occasions). I prefer to have the option to not have it 


All depends on your set up really.  Did you play with Wifi on your 360?  With one of the worst wireless adapters ever made?  Then yes it would be an horrible experience and LAN is the way to go but then you need to figure in the amount of cable you need to wire your router to your console, but my experiences with wireless on PS3, Wii, and my PC have all been amazing, I also have a great router to boot, I've played Unreal 2004 on my laptop while watching my GFs little brothers and sister with my router still at my house (we lived next door to each other at the time) at least 200 feet away traveling through her house and then my house and yet still played online with no lag, so reall wireless can be a great experience and fine for gaming if you have the right set up.


no of course not, and that may be your experience. however here, and the people i work with have been movie back to ethernet over wifi, it was faster, suffers less packet loss, and is more secure (even with throwing down things for wifi, like mac addy recognition, and other security, which does slow down wifi). I never said it couldnt be used, i simply said it was not a good gaming standard. and unless your using a portable, or handheld device, your cheating yourself by using it. 


Heh my wired connection gets me about 1000kb/s while my wireless ranges from 300 to 500 kb/s because I have an older router, but it never drops out on me even once.  I've not noticed a single difference in gameplay when using my laptop wired or wireless online, everything plays the same except with wireless I'm free to move about my house and play in a more comfortable area then my stuffy room.  Then my connection on Wii is a lot better then most peopls, I mean I was playing MK Wii with Ari Gold a while back (who uses a wired connection for his Wii) and had a better connection then him... so like I said before wireless is all dependant on if you got the good hardware to support it well, I do, so I can and it makes no difference either way.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

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Zlejedi said:
goddog said:
Squilliam said:
Yawn, another retarded comparisons.

HD cables = sure I get it, you need it for HD content.

Wireless? = Whatever.


I agree.... WiFi  not needed... actually worse then ethernet, not a good gaming standard as far as im concerned (and yes I have tried it on various occasions). I prefer to have the option to not have it 


While cable connection is prefered solution it get's a bit problemtic when you need to put cables through half your living room to connect console :D

route mine with my surround cables, then to a hole in the wall so it goes into the computer room.  I do have Wifi, but it is only used to connect my laptops to the network. 


come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

The built in wireless does a lot for the price of the PS3.

MaxwellGT2000 said:
What an awful read, but you can't expect better out of Chris Roper, one of the biggest jokes in video game media ever. Misses some of the better points to make about PS3 like the fact that all PS3 controllers are wireless and rechargeable while 360 controllers need the recharge pack that costs more money.

Couple these with facts that you can get HD cables for a lot cheaper yet 360 has that flat rate on the WiFi adapter that doesn't half assed work with lots of drop outs, lag, and difficulty getting online...

And on top of it all he dismisses the Wii as a console of value, because of what you ask? Graphics cause he sure as hell can't make up an excuse any other way...

Even when I get my PS3 this friday and my love for the IGN Nintendo team, I have never and will never support Chris Roper and his partner in stupidity Jeff Haynes, the only one I like on IGN Sony team and will read the reviews from is Greg Miller but his Spider-man Web of Shadows hate put me off a bit though he's entitled to his slip ups like every reviewer I don't see how a game with such great gameplay could get a 5... but other then that I love the guy!

Jeff Haynes is brilliant! That Killzone 2 preview was awesome.

Now, who wrote the MGS4 review? Oh, that's right. Jeff Haynes.

He sometimes falls flat on his face, but he writes some great reviews.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Kantor said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
What an awful read, but you can't expect better out of Chris Roper, one of the biggest jokes in video game media ever. Misses some of the better points to make about PS3 like the fact that all PS3 controllers are wireless and rechargeable while 360 controllers need the recharge pack that costs more money.

Couple these with facts that you can get HD cables for a lot cheaper yet 360 has that flat rate on the WiFi adapter that doesn't half assed work with lots of drop outs, lag, and difficulty getting online...

And on top of it all he dismisses the Wii as a console of value, because of what you ask? Graphics cause he sure as hell can't make up an excuse any other way...

Even when I get my PS3 this friday and my love for the IGN Nintendo team, I have never and will never support Chris Roper and his partner in stupidity Jeff Haynes, the only one I like on IGN Sony team and will read the reviews from is Greg Miller but his Spider-man Web of Shadows hate put me off a bit though he's entitled to his slip ups like every reviewer I don't see how a game with such great gameplay could get a 5... but other then that I love the guy!

Jeff Haynes is brilliant! That Killzone 2 preview was awesome.

Now, who wrote the MGS4 review? Oh, that's right. Jeff Haynes.

He sometimes falls flat on his face, but he writes some great reviews.



Ugh I can't stand a lot of his stuff, he does have more redeeming qualities then ol' Chris Roper, but that's like saying one pile of crap doesn't smell as bad as the other... Really Jeff Haynes does some good fan service reviews as well as a decent article here and there but overall he rates a little high for my tastes and then just like some of Ropers reviews they seem very repetative and too long.  I like a lot of the Nintendo teams reviews cause they're basically cut and dry and too the point, they're excited about a game they flat out say it and don't spend 5 to 6 pages talking about it, they tell you how it is, though even they fall flat on their faces at times (Wii Music and Animal Crossing)

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000