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Forums - Sony Discussion - Need Help?

Ok so im a noob on here but i need some advice!

I recently bought a new series 7 samsung LCd tv- 46" - and im having issues gettin my ps3 to play in 1080p!

So far ive, re set the ps3 so it recongnises the HDMI cables- ive tryed setting the ps3 to 1080p and it does a search and will only find 1080i- Im playing COD5- or world at war, whateva and thats capable of doin 1080p but yet it just wont do it? My cables are fine- im thinkin maybe im either plugged into the wrong port  ( ive got like 4 HDMI ports)  or theres something im missing? Ne help from neone would rock my socks off!

Other than all that ive called Samsung and there testing the games on my tv at the mo- and ive called Sony and they said try the re set ( not very helpful) :( I hate being all noob about this but yeah...Dunno whatelse to try?


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The game might default to 720p even if your tv is 1080p capable. Are you sure COD5 can actually run in 1080p?

Are you sure it's a Full HD TV? How much did it cost?

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Yeah its a samsung series 7- full HD lcd 46'- cost me $3800! Cod5 plays in 1080p cos it says so on the box and so does Gran Turismo prologe- the issue seems to be cables even thou i was under the impression they were fine- turns out even thou they say i need a 1.3 HDMI cable ( which i have) apparently theres a difference in cables now? I bought my ps3 over a year ago and that was the cable that was sold to me at the time- seems the sales guy had no idea? Althou at the time i only had a tv that maxed at 1080i- cables back then were meant to cover all settings...But didnt! Even now as ive been callin around for help from Samsung and Sony neither seem to have ne idea? SAmsung were very helpful thou- Sony( ps3 network number) were rubbish- i actually asked the girl what hertz rating the ps3 ran in and can you believe she actually said- Whats hertz? And as i stated at the start of my message im not a noob, this should have been simple- it should have been detected by the ps3 right away- what stunned me is that it didnt! All i have left is to buy a new cable unless neone else has ne ideas.. Ive re set the ps3 to scan for HDMI and it only finds 1080i- Once and i stress once it found 1080p but it was so fuzzy and the colours were all distorted and after bout 5 secs it shut it self down- im thinkin its got to be a cable issue? Ne more advice would be helpful!

Leashalou said:
Yeah its a samsung series 7- full HD lcd 46'- cost me $3800! Cod5 plays in 1080p cos it says so on the box and so does Gran Turismo prologe- the issue seems to be cables even thou i was under the impression they were fine- turns out even thou they say i need a 1.3 HDMI cable ( which i have) apparently theres a difference in cables now? I bought my ps3 over a year ago and that was the cable that was sold to me at the time- seems the sales guy had no idea? Althou at the time i only had a tv that maxed at 1080i- cables back then were meant to cover all settings...But didnt! Even now as ive been callin around for help from Samsung and Sony neither seem to have ne idea? SAmsung were very helpful thou- Sony( ps3 network number) were rubbish- i actually asked the girl what hertz rating the ps3 ran in and can you believe she actually said- Whats hertz? And as i stated at the start of my message im not a noob, this should have been simple- it should have been detected by the ps3 right away- what stunned me is that it didnt! All i have left is to buy a new cable unless neone else has ne ideas.. Ive re set the ps3 to scan for HDMI and it only finds 1080i- Once and i stress once it found 1080p but it was so fuzzy and the colours were all distorted and after bout 5 secs it shut it self down- im thinkin its got to be a cable issue? Ne more advice would be helpful!


Here's a trick that might work for you

On your PS3 display settings (HDMI), uncheck 720p/i and just leave 1080

That will force some games to scale at 1080. My Sony LCD does the same sometimes.

Not all games will work with this method and might opt for even a lower resolution. Trial and error lol.

The blame for this potential problem shifts almost daily from Sony to the developers.

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

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Leashalou said:
Yeah its a samsung series 7- full HD lcd 46'- cost me $3800! Cod5 plays in 1080p cos it says so on the box and so does Gran Turismo prologe- the issue seems to be cables even thou i was under the impression they were fine- turns out even thou they say i need a 1.3 HDMI cable ( which i have) apparently theres a difference in cables now? I bought my ps3 over a year ago and that was the cable that was sold to me at the time- seems the sales guy had no idea? Althou at the time i only had a tv that maxed at 1080i- cables back then were meant to cover all settings...But didnt! Even now as ive been callin around for help from Samsung and Sony neither seem to have ne idea? SAmsung were very helpful thou- Sony( ps3 network number) were rubbish- i actually asked the girl what hertz rating the ps3 ran in and can you believe she actually said- Whats hertz? And as i stated at the start of my message im not a noob, this should have been simple- it should have been detected by the ps3 right away- what stunned me is that it didnt! All i have left is to buy a new cable unless neone else has ne ideas.. Ive re set the ps3 to scan for HDMI and it only finds 1080i- Once and i stress once it found 1080p but it was so fuzzy and the colours were all distorted and after bout 5 secs it shut it self down- im thinkin its got to be a cable issue? Ne more advice would be helpful!

Why in the world would pay that much for 46" 7 Series?


I can get it for less than $2000 at Circuit City or Best Buy.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Hahaha cos im Australian man- its the Aussie dollar not the US-;)

Alright Spanky gave it a go man and still nothing.... Ahhh well im goin to try a new cable over the weekend and ill get back to you guys- other than that im goin to call Samsung back and ask why its only sometimes findin 1080p and why its only findin it in one of four ports... I dunno im a lil bit over all this gayness- haha i just wanna play in 1080p- my tv can do it- my game can apparently do- the ps3 can apparently do it- JUST DO IT!! LOL ;) Thanks forur help guys, i dont want to drive you all nuts with this issue- if it doesnt get sorted Samsung are gettin a tv thrown throu their head office window and Sonys gettin a ps3 throu their window! Ppl are saying to me " Just play in 1080i- to that i say NOOOOo- this is a personal vendetta now against sony and samsung! And if all that doesnt work- im goin to start tellin ppl that 1080p doesnt even exist!;)

Is your XMB at least displaying in 1080p?

xmb does it sometimes but it goes all jittery and sh*t after a while- sometimes even turning itself off completely.... I dunno im thinkin its a cable issue- but im gettin heaps of ideas- now im startin to think cos of the fuzzyness and stuff its a hertz issue- but ive pretty much played around with all the hertz settings and stuff- changed the frames- turned the hertz down on the tv- done it on the ps3 and still no change?