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Sony Discussion - Need Help? - View Post

Ok so im a noob on here but i need some advice!

I recently bought a new series 7 samsung LCd tv- 46" - and im having issues gettin my ps3 to play in 1080p!

So far ive, re set the ps3 so it recongnises the HDMI cables- ive tryed setting the ps3 to 1080p and it does a search and will only find 1080i- Im playing COD5- or world at war, whateva and thats capable of doin 1080p but yet it just wont do it? My cables are fine- im thinkin maybe im either plugged into the wrong port  ( ive got like 4 HDMI ports)  or theres something im missing? Ne help from neone would rock my socks off!

Other than all that ive called Samsung and there testing the games on my tv at the mo- and ive called Sony and they said try the re set ( not very helpful) :( I hate being all noob about this but yeah...Dunno whatelse to try?