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Sony Discussion - Need Help? - View Post

Alright Spanky gave it a go man and still nothing.... Ahhh well im goin to try a new cable over the weekend and ill get back to you guys- other than that im goin to call Samsung back and ask why its only sometimes findin 1080p and why its only findin it in one of four ports... I dunno im a lil bit over all this gayness- haha i just wanna play in 1080p- my tv can do it- my game can apparently do- the ps3 can apparently do it- JUST DO IT!! LOL ;) Thanks forur help guys, i dont want to drive you all nuts with this issue- if it doesnt get sorted Samsung are gettin a tv thrown throu their head office window and Sonys gettin a ps3 throu their window! Ppl are saying to me " Just play in 1080i- to that i say NOOOOo- this is a personal vendetta now against sony and samsung! And if all that doesnt work- im goin to start tellin ppl that 1080p doesnt even exist!;)