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Forums - General Discussion - Live in Indiana? Give the gift of Abortion!

Neos said:
Comrade Tovya said:
Oh no, I get what you are saying... so no argument there.

I just hate "the easy way out" on most things. Because not everyone gets a choice in these types of matters.

If you have arthritis in your hand, and you decide just to amputate you hand to end the pain permanently, I don't agree with the choice, but I won't interject. It's something that only affects that person, so if they want to do it, it's none of my business.

Abortion became personal to me at an early age for obvious reasons, so I just put the unborn first because they don't get a say in what happens to them.

Line up 100 kids who were almost aborted (but the mother chose life instead) and ask them if they regreat the choice their mother made.. I'm no Einstein, but I'd bet all 100 kids would choose life. That's my only point I suppose. I'm one of those kids, and I'm damn glad she changed her mind.

You are totally not getting the point imo. Of course those kids would choose life. If the abortion did happen, there wouldn't be any kids to ask from! on the rest i agree with Rath. It depends on the situation a lot. And also what moongoddess says; at what point in life do you have a soul etc.

But, if you want to make it personal like you did, okay.

Imagine; you come out as a baby all happy and stuff. at the age of 3-4 you become a little bit aware of what is happening around you .Imagine you living in some random trailer park. the parents aren't insured and they haven't got any money for you to go to school. There are no good future prospects for you. You end up like your parents in some kind of vicious circle. Your dad (wants to make a good living), becomes an evil member of the maffia and kills for money and deals in drugs.Now tell me, do you still want to live? I think the mother then has to have this choice, and think for the baby, because that's what this is all about right?



OMG, you are crazy.  So you now are justifying the killing of children who will be born into poverty or unfair situations?  So kill the poor kids is you answer?  That's just absurd.

But playing your absurd little game, I'll just ask the person sitting next to me, because that is similar to how they were raised (with the exception their dad was a drug dealer)...

Okay, it unanimous, she doesn't want to die either...


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


Around the Network
Comrade Tovya said:
Neos said:
Comrade Tovya said:
Oh no, I get what you are saying... so no argument there.

I just hate "the easy way out" on most things. Because not everyone gets a choice in these types of matters.

If you have arthritis in your hand, and you decide just to amputate you hand to end the pain permanently, I don't agree with the choice, but I won't interject. It's something that only affects that person, so if they want to do it, it's none of my business.

Abortion became personal to me at an early age for obvious reasons, so I just put the unborn first because they don't get a say in what happens to them.

Line up 100 kids who were almost aborted (but the mother chose life instead) and ask them if they regreat the choice their mother made.. I'm no Einstein, but I'd bet all 100 kids would choose life. That's my only point I suppose. I'm one of those kids, and I'm damn glad she changed her mind.

You are totally not getting the point imo. Of course those kids would choose life. If the abortion did happen, there wouldn't be any kids to ask from! on the rest i agree with Rath. It depends on the situation a lot. And also what moongoddess says; at what point in life do you have a soul etc.

But, if you want to make it personal like you did, okay.

Imagine; you come out as a baby all happy and stuff. at the age of 3-4 you become a little bit aware of what is happening around you .Imagine you living in some random trailer park. the parents aren't insured and they haven't got any money for you to go to school. There are no good future prospects for you. You end up like your parents in some kind of vicious circle. Your dad (wants to make a good living), becomes an evil member of the maffia and kills for money and deals in drugs.Now tell me, do you still want to live? I think the mother then has to have this choice, and think for the baby, because that's what this is all about right?



OMG, you are crazy.  So you now are justifying the killing of children who will be born into poverty or unfair situations?  So kill the poor kids is you answer?  That's just absurd.

But playing your absurd little game, I'll just ask the person sitting next to me, because that is similar to how they were raised (with the exception their dad was a drug dealer)...

Okay, it unanimous, she doesn't want to die either...

I'm not trying to justify anything. But you can't say that the parents i just told about are able to raise a kid normally, because that's just not happening. I'm just telling the kids don't deserve it. It's what best for the kid and the parents, it's all about the future.


Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


Neos said:
Comrade Tovya said:
Neos said:
Comrade Tovya said:
Oh no, I get what you are saying... so no argument there.

I just hate "the easy way out" on most things. Because not everyone gets a choice in these types of matters.

If you have arthritis in your hand, and you decide just to amputate you hand to end the pain permanently, I don't agree with the choice, but I won't interject. It's something that only affects that person, so if they want to do it, it's none of my business.

Abortion became personal to me at an early age for obvious reasons, so I just put the unborn first because they don't get a say in what happens to them.

Line up 100 kids who were almost aborted (but the mother chose life instead) and ask them if they regreat the choice their mother made.. I'm no Einstein, but I'd bet all 100 kids would choose life. That's my only point I suppose. I'm one of those kids, and I'm damn glad she changed her mind.

You are totally not getting the point imo. Of course those kids would choose life. If the abortion did happen, there wouldn't be any kids to ask from! on the rest i agree with Rath. It depends on the situation a lot. And also what moongoddess says; at what point in life do you have a soul etc.

But, if you want to make it personal like you did, okay.

Imagine; you come out as a baby all happy and stuff. at the age of 3-4 you become a little bit aware of what is happening around you .Imagine you living in some random trailer park. the parents aren't insured and they haven't got any money for you to go to school. There are no good future prospects for you. You end up like your parents in some kind of vicious circle. Your dad (wants to make a good living), becomes an evil member of the maffia and kills for money and deals in drugs.Now tell me, do you still want to live? I think the mother then has to have this choice, and think for the baby, because that's what this is all about right?



OMG, you are crazy.  So you now are justifying the killing of children who will be born into poverty or unfair situations?  So kill the poor kids is you answer?  That's just absurd.

But playing your absurd little game, I'll just ask the person sitting next to me, because that is similar to how they were raised (with the exception their dad was a drug dealer)...

Okay, it unanimous, she doesn't want to die either...

I'm not trying to justify anything. But you can't say that the parents i just told about are able to raise a kid normally, because that's just not happening. I'm just telling the kids don't deserve it. It's what best for the kid and the parents, it's all about the future.



The parents are screwed up, so since life is unfair to the kids, let´s make sure the kids don´t exist. That doesn´t make sense.

"I think I would. But even if I didn't, Somebody would. And nobody has the right to decide if I should live or die. Specially if they think that it will be a horrible life. It is my choice. No one else´s."

Here we go full circle again. The debate is not whether or not killing is ok, the debate is whether or not its killing at all.

I'm ok with an early abortion because I feel it absurd to think it would have anything resembling a soul or personality yet.

You on the other hand most likely believe it has a soul at conception!

Its not something we can argue about. Its very strong beliefs that make up who we are at the core and will never change our minds!

[2:08:58 am] Moongoddess256: being asian makes you naturally good at ddr
[2:09:22 am] gnizmo: its a weird genetic thing
[2:09:30 am] gnizmo: goes back to hunting giant crabs in feudal Japan

marciosmg said:
Neos said:
Comrade Tovya said:
Neos said:
Comrade Tovya said:
Oh no, I get what you are saying... so no argument there.

I just hate "the easy way out" on most things. Because not everyone gets a choice in these types of matters.

If you have arthritis in your hand, and you decide just to amputate you hand to end the pain permanently, I don't agree with the choice, but I won't interject. It's something that only affects that person, so if they want to do it, it's none of my business.

Abortion became personal to me at an early age for obvious reasons, so I just put the unborn first because they don't get a say in what happens to them.

Line up 100 kids who were almost aborted (but the mother chose life instead) and ask them if they regreat the choice their mother made.. I'm no Einstein, but I'd bet all 100 kids would choose life. That's my only point I suppose. I'm one of those kids, and I'm damn glad she changed her mind.

You are totally not getting the point imo. Of course those kids would choose life. If the abortion did happen, there wouldn't be any kids to ask from! on the rest i agree with Rath. It depends on the situation a lot. And also what moongoddess says; at what point in life do you have a soul etc.

But, if you want to make it personal like you did, okay.

Imagine; you come out as a baby all happy and stuff. at the age of 3-4 you become a little bit aware of what is happening around you .Imagine you living in some random trailer park. the parents aren't insured and they haven't got any money for you to go to school. There are no good future prospects for you. You end up like your parents in some kind of vicious circle. Your dad (wants to make a good living), becomes an evil member of the maffia and kills for money and deals in drugs.Now tell me, do you still want to live? I think the mother then has to have this choice, and think for the baby, because that's what this is all about right?



OMG, you are crazy.  So you now are justifying the killing of children who will be born into poverty or unfair situations?  So kill the poor kids is you answer?  That's just absurd.

But playing your absurd little game, I'll just ask the person sitting next to me, because that is similar to how they were raised (with the exception their dad was a drug dealer)...

Okay, it unanimous, she doesn't want to die either...

I'm not trying to justify anything. But you can't say that the parents i just told about are able to raise a kid normally, because that's just not happening. I'm just telling the kids don't deserve it. It's what best for the kid and the parents, it's all about the future.



The parents are screwed up, so since life is unfair to the kids, let´s make sure the kids don´t exist. That doesn´t make sense.

Although it sounds like a lot of sense to me, there will always be different views to things, that's normal.

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


Around the Network
MrBubbles said:
Comrade Tovya said:
MrBubbles said:
Rath said:
I'm no longer just pro-choice, I'm pro-abortion.

I'm serious too, I think that in a world with problems with over-crowding and with children growing up in entirely unsuitable conditions abortion needs to be free and widely available and used more often than it currently is.

Though I disagree with it as a form of birth control, there are far safer ways of doing that.


why not just nuke most of africa and asia?


oh god, i know you are joking, but that's just too much.  especially those poor kids in africa... they have enough problems to worry about than by adding nuclear devastation to the mix.


it wasnt really a joke.  just a critical look on his position.  if murder is ok because of over-crowding and unsuitable conditions....why not go to places where there are large amounts of people living in poor conditions and kill them.


 Because nuking could lead to sever undercrouding in some areas and the disturbance in the cosmic-shifts will cause the Earth to go spinning into the sun.

Abortions? Not so likely.

Moongoddess256 said:
"I think I would. But even if I didn't, Somebody would. And nobody has the right to decide if I should live or die. Specially if they think that it will be a horrible life. It is my choice. No one else´s."

Here we go full circle again. The debate is not whether or not killing is ok, the debate is whether or not its killing at all.

I'm ok with an early abortion because I feel it absurd to think it would have anything resembling a soul or personality yet.

You on the other hand most likely believe it has a soul at conception!

Its not something we can argue about. Its very strong beliefs that make up who we are at the core and will never change our minds!


NOt really. It´s not about the fact that I believe that it has a soul. It is abput the fact that it is a human life.

It has human Dna. Not the nmothers or the fathers. It breathes, exchanges substanes, etc.

It is alive. Therefore, it has rights.


The number one right is - right to live


I know you didnt want to debate this, but you act as if I have to accept that you think that is only a religious when I dont think it is. I think differently. It has to be debated and it is not just an religious issue.

The skin cells we shed have human DNA. As far as I'm concerned if its just a bunch of cells using the mothers support systems as its own its not its own separate being yet.

And no one agrees with partial birth abortion except in extreme circumstances. Just FYI its not even legal. Thats when it becomes really questionable whether its alive or not. You know, when it has the half developed organs that actually make it seem like a living thing.

To me, my life starts from the earliest point I can remember. Anything that happened before my memory I would not care about unless it is something that causes me to be miserable now. Like losing a toe or something. And if I'm miserable enough I'd just wish for death anyways. Which is far worse than not having existed at all.

[2:08:58 am] Moongoddess256: being asian makes you naturally good at ddr
[2:09:22 am] gnizmo: its a weird genetic thing
[2:09:30 am] gnizmo: goes back to hunting giant crabs in feudal Japan

marciosmg said:
YOu are saying that a baby with downs is worth less than a baby without it?

I know you probably didn´t mean it. But you appear to be saying that the mother wouldn´t have a problem if the baby didnt have downs. So, a child with a genetic disorder is a 2nd class citizen. THAT is a nice utopia you got there


Yea my apologies if it sounded like that. I work at a hospital and I deal with children with genetic disorders all the time. Ofcourse they have a right to live. But in every case, you can see the parents suffer.Diseases where its treatable- thalassemia etc is fine but stuff like, Downs, spina bifida, cerebral palsy almost kill these parents in the long run. They love their kids no doubt but im sure they would rather not see their children suffer with such illnesses. If medical technology allows us to scan for such genetic disorders Im all for it. Again its not a baby till it breathes on its own, its a fetus. Everyone has a right to be happy.

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.

owner of : atari 2600, commodore 64, NES,gameboy,atari lynx, genesis, saturn,neogeo,DC,PS2,GC,X360, Wii

5 THINGS I'd like to see before i knock out:

a. a AAA 3D sonic title

b. a nintendo developed game that has a "M rating"

c. redesgined PS controller

d. SEGA back in the console business

e. M$ out of the OS business

arsenicazure said:
marciosmg said:
YOu are saying that a baby with downs is worth less than a baby without it?

I know you probably didn´t mean it. But you appear to be saying that the mother wouldn´t have a problem if the baby didnt have downs. So, a child with a genetic disorder is a 2nd class citizen. THAT is a nice utopia you got there


Yea my apologies if it sounded like that. I work at a hospital and I deal with children with genetic disorders all the time. Ofcourse they have a right to live. But in every case, you can see the parents suffer.Diseases where its treatable- thalassemia etc is fine but stuff like, Downs, spina bifida, cerebral palsy almost kill these parents in the long run. They love their kids no doubt but im sure they would rather not see their children suffer with such illnesses. If medical technology allows us to scan for such genetic disorders Im all for it. Again its not a baby till it breathes on its own, its a fetus. Everyone has a right to be happy.


Okay, now you've hit a sore spot with me.  My parents adopted my little brother Isaac who was literally a crack-baby.  He was born without a chin, left-shoulder, a curved spine, no voice-box, his trachea is closed up, and his legs were bowed so bad he couldn't stand.

Instead of having him aborted, my parents paid the lady to have the kid and then she gave him up for adoption.

He is now 5 years old, and the doctors swore he would be dead before his 2nd birthday.

My parents have spared no expense in helping him lead a normal life.  After countless surgeries and physical therapy, he now has straight legs, a good spine.. and while there is still work left to do, he uses sign language to communicate with us and gets fed from a tube (and he has a trach for breathing), he is largely a normal child... and he is the happiest darn kid you'd ever meet.. He loves life and everything in it.  He especially looks up to me, and always wants to be around me.

He plays and goes to school with my kids, they play video games, and he plays outside with them... and by the time he is an adult, the doctors have changed their evaluation and now believe they will be able to completely finish his bodies recontruction, and with the exception of some scars and he'll have to learn to speak vocally....

(above) my son, and brother's Matthew & Isaac

long story short, my little brother deserved to live, and he did and will continue to.  Just because he was born into a situation of poverty and genetic deformities doesn't mean he's less of a human being than anyone else... he's just special in his own way, and we all love him dearly.  He's just the sweetest boy you'd ever know.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2
