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The skin cells we shed have human DNA. As far as I'm concerned if its just a bunch of cells using the mothers support systems as its own its not its own separate being yet.

And no one agrees with partial birth abortion except in extreme circumstances. Just FYI its not even legal. Thats when it becomes really questionable whether its alive or not. You know, when it has the half developed organs that actually make it seem like a living thing.

To me, my life starts from the earliest point I can remember. Anything that happened before my memory I would not care about unless it is something that causes me to be miserable now. Like losing a toe or something. And if I'm miserable enough I'd just wish for death anyways. Which is far worse than not having existed at all.

[2:08:58 am] Moongoddess256: being asian makes you naturally good at ddr
[2:09:22 am] gnizmo: its a weird genetic thing
[2:09:30 am] gnizmo: goes back to hunting giant crabs in feudal Japan