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Moongoddess256 said:
"I think I would. But even if I didn't, Somebody would. And nobody has the right to decide if I should live or die. Specially if they think that it will be a horrible life. It is my choice. No one else´s."

Here we go full circle again. The debate is not whether or not killing is ok, the debate is whether or not its killing at all.

I'm ok with an early abortion because I feel it absurd to think it would have anything resembling a soul or personality yet.

You on the other hand most likely believe it has a soul at conception!

Its not something we can argue about. Its very strong beliefs that make up who we are at the core and will never change our minds!


NOt really. It´s not about the fact that I believe that it has a soul. It is abput the fact that it is a human life.

It has human Dna. Not the nmothers or the fathers. It breathes, exchanges substanes, etc.

It is alive. Therefore, it has rights.


The number one right is - right to live


I know you didnt want to debate this, but you act as if I have to accept that you think that is only a religious when I dont think it is. I think differently. It has to be debated and it is not just an religious issue.