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Forums - General Discussion - Live in Indiana? Give the gift of Abortion!

Moongoddess256 said:
man you guys persist and I can't resist the temptation of continuing.

A case of where abortion might have been the best thing for a child(and at the same time showing how abortion can be abused, so it satisfies both sides):

Once upon a time there was this slut. She wanted to get a husband. So she goes and sleeps with a guy and gets knocked up. She says MARRY ME! He says HELL NO. She gets an abortion. She sleeps with another guy and gets knocked up. She says MARRY ME! He says HELL NO. She gets another abortion. She sleeps with a third guy, this one is catholic and she gets knocked up. She says MARRY ME! He says well I guess I kinda have to now. She keeps it. He decides he can't stand her after a while and leaves her anyways. She goes out and parties it up and leaves the baby alone. When she is around she beats it when it cries. Now that the kid is grown up, hes deaf in one ear from his beatings as a baby. Hes really messed up in the head, gets arrested frequently, does every drug under the sun, is a dealer, gets in frequent car accidents gets in fights etc. Nothing about his life is right, and he is the definition of a bad and evil person.

In the above story the problem is not that Abortion was available to her nor is it that she got knocked up. Its that she is a BAD PERSON. Maybe if we could prevent BAD PEOPLE from happening in the first place by maybe cutting some slack to allow people to not be born into horrible situations that will only warp their minds and cause the cycle to repeat. And maybe if the cycle is broken then people wont feel compelled to get needless abortions like that anymore.

I'm a good person who doesn't live for instant gratification. But I was raised reasonably well.


I only agree with it in one case... rape.  I still think in a perfect world a completely closed adoption is best, but I understand the premise of abortion in such cases really.

Outside of that, either own up to the accident, and keep the kid or live with your mistake for 9-mos. and give the kid away... everybody knows, especially in the USA, there are just too many people who can't have kids, and want kids, but they wait in line for a kid to become available for years and years sometimes.

Like I said, that's what happened to me.  I'm one of 10 kids, and 8 of us were adopted.  My mom wants more, but she just waits around until another child becomes available.

So what I am saying is, you shouldn't force an unwanting parent to be a parent.  That's bad for the child.  But there are other options... and they actually are pretty easy.  In most cases, if you find a family early (which is really easy) they will even pay for the mother's maternal expenses while she is pregnant.

I am just thankful everyday that it didn't happen to me... all the things I would have missed.  Like being married and my 3 children now, that's what life is all about.


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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


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I believe the thing is, If a woman decides to go through the absolute misery that is pregnancy and giving birth shes gonna want to keep it afterwards too. Whether she can raise it properly or not.

I want to have kids some day, but I really really do not want to go through the pregnancy and childbirth thing. Ugh what a horrible experience that would be. Wish we were built to have a bit more of a pleasant and smooth childbirth experience. Not a massively disproportionate body and messed up hormones and organs for 9 months and then risking your life, and most likely having your woman parts either cut open or ripped open or even worse having a C section which involves having your abdomen cut open... while you are still awake... and then having a permanent hideous scar on your belly forever. Its like something out of a horror movie. Most of you are guys, you probably can't feel the reality of how horrible it is if there is no chance of it ever happening to you.

I do believe this is why people generally do not opt to keep it and give it up for adoption. Either they don't want it at all or they keep it for good. You know, with all the pain and effort put into it why would you just want to give it away? Especially when we are talking about the same people who go and sleep around without thinking of the consequences. What makes you think they'd go through all that just to give it up?

[2:08:58 am] Moongoddess256: being asian makes you naturally good at ddr
[2:09:22 am] gnizmo: its a weird genetic thing
[2:09:30 am] gnizmo: goes back to hunting giant crabs in feudal Japan

I'm no longer just pro-choice, I'm pro-abortion.

I'm serious too, I think that in a world with problems with over-crowding and with children growing up in entirely unsuitable conditions abortion needs to be free and widely available and used more often than it currently is.

Though I disagree with it as a form of birth control, there are far safer ways of doing that.

Oh no, I get what you are saying... so no argument there.

I just hate "the easy way out" on most things. Because not everyone gets a choice in these types of matters.

If you have arthritis in your hand, and you decide just to amputate you hand to end the pain permanently, I don't agree with the choice, but I won't interject. It's something that only affects that person, so if they want to do it, it's none of my business.

Abortion became personal to me at an early age for obvious reasons, so I just put the unborn first because they don't get a say in what happens to them.

Line up 100 kids who were almost aborted (but the mother chose life instead) and ask them if they regreat the choice their mother made.. I'm no Einstein, but I'd bet all 100 kids would choose life. That's my only point I suppose. I'm one of those kids, and I'm damn glad she changed her mind.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


Rath said:
I'm no longer just pro-choice, I'm pro-abortion.

I'm serious too, I think that in a world with problems with over-crowding and with children growing up in entirely unsuitable conditions abortion needs to be free and widely available and used more often than it currently is.

Though I disagree with it as a form of birth control, there are far safer ways of doing that.


why not just nuke most of africa and asia?

"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

MrBubbles Review Threads: Bill Gates, Jak II, Kingdom Hearts II, The Strangers, Sly 2, Crackdown, Zohan, Quarantine, Klungo Sssavesss Teh World, MS@E3'08, WATCHMEN(movie), Shadow of the Colossus, The Saboteur

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MrBubbles said:
Rath said:
I'm no longer just pro-choice, I'm pro-abortion.

I'm serious too, I think that in a world with problems with over-crowding and with children growing up in entirely unsuitable conditions abortion needs to be free and widely available and used more often than it currently is.

Though I disagree with it as a form of birth control, there are far safer ways of doing that.


why not just nuke most of africa and asia?


oh god, i know you are joking, but that's just too much.  especially those poor kids in africa... they have enough problems to worry about than by adding nuclear devastation to the mix.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


MrBubbles said:
Rath said:
I'm no longer just pro-choice, I'm pro-abortion.

I'm serious too, I think that in a world with problems with over-crowding and with children growing up in entirely unsuitable conditions abortion needs to be free and widely available and used more often than it currently is.

Though I disagree with it as a form of birth control, there are far safer ways of doing that.


why not just nuke most of africa and asia?


 Because that would be a political disaster. You can pretty much sign off the next election and prepare to pack your bags.

Comrade Tovya said:
Oh no, I get what you are saying... so no argument there.

I just hate "the easy way out" on most things. Because not everyone gets a choice in these types of matters.

If you have arthritis in your hand, and you decide just to amputate you hand to end the pain permanently, I don't agree with the choice, but I won't interject. It's something that only affects that person, so if they want to do it, it's none of my business.

Abortion became personal to me at an early age for obvious reasons, so I just put the unborn first because they don't get a say in what happens to them.

Line up 100 kids who were almost aborted (but the mother chose life instead) and ask them if they regreat the choice their mother made.. I'm no Einstein, but I'd bet all 100 kids would choose life. That's my only point I suppose. I'm one of those kids, and I'm damn glad she changed her mind.

You are totally not getting the point imo. Of course those kids would choose life. If the abortion did happen, there wouldn't be any kids to ask from! on the rest i agree with Rath. It depends on the situation a lot. And also what moongoddess says; at what point in life do you have a soul etc.

But, if you want to make it personal like you did, okay.

Imagine; you come out as a baby all happy and stuff. at the age of 3-4 you become a little bit aware of what is happening around you .Imagine you living in some random trailer park. the parents aren't insured and they haven't got any money for you to go to school. There are no good future prospects for you. You end up like your parents in some kind of vicious circle. Your dad (wants to make a good living), becomes an evil member of the maffia and kills for money and deals in drugs.Now tell me, do you still want to live? I think the mother then has to have this choice, and think for the baby, because that's what this is all about right?


Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


Comrade Tovya said:
MrBubbles said:
Rath said:
I'm no longer just pro-choice, I'm pro-abortion.

I'm serious too, I think that in a world with problems with over-crowding and with children growing up in entirely unsuitable conditions abortion needs to be free and widely available and used more often than it currently is.

Though I disagree with it as a form of birth control, there are far safer ways of doing that.


why not just nuke most of africa and asia?


oh god, i know you are joking, but that's just too much.  especially those poor kids in africa... they have enough problems to worry about than by adding nuclear devastation to the mix.


it wasnt really a joke.  just a critical look on his position.  if murder is ok because of over-crowding and unsuitable conditions....why not go to places where there are large amounts of people living in poor conditions and kill them.

"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

MrBubbles Review Threads: Bill Gates, Jak II, Kingdom Hearts II, The Strangers, Sly 2, Crackdown, Zohan, Quarantine, Klungo Sssavesss Teh World, MS@E3'08, WATCHMEN(movie), Shadow of the Colossus, The Saboteur

Neos said:
Comrade Tovya said:
Oh no, I get what you are saying... so no argument there.

I just hate "the easy way out" on most things. Because not everyone gets a choice in these types of matters.

If you have arthritis in your hand, and you decide just to amputate you hand to end the pain permanently, I don't agree with the choice, but I won't interject. It's something that only affects that person, so if they want to do it, it's none of my business.

Abortion became personal to me at an early age for obvious reasons, so I just put the unborn first because they don't get a say in what happens to them.

Line up 100 kids who were almost aborted (but the mother chose life instead) and ask them if they regreat the choice their mother made.. I'm no Einstein, but I'd bet all 100 kids would choose life. That's my only point I suppose. I'm one of those kids, and I'm damn glad she changed her mind.

You are totally not getting the point imo. Of course those kids would choose life. If the abortion did happen, there wouldn't be any kids to ask from! on the rest i agree with Rath. It depends on the situation a lot. And also what moongoddess says; at what point in life do you have a soul etc.

But, if you want to make it personal like you did, okay.

Imagine; you come out as a baby all happy and stuff. at the age of 3-4 you become a little bit aware of what is happening around you .Imagine you living in some random trailer park. the parents aren't insured and they haven't got any money for you to go to school. There are no good future prospects for you. You end up like your parents in some kind of vicious circle. Your dad (wants to make a good living), becomes an evil member of the maffia and kills for money and deals in drugs.Now tell me, do you still want to live? I think the mother then has to have this choice, and think for the baby, because that's what this is all about right?


I think I would. But even if I didn't, Somebody would. And nobody has the right to decide if I should live or die. Specially if they think that it will be a horrible life. It is my choice. No one else´s.


And killing people to try to fix societal problems is not the answer.