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I believe the thing is, If a woman decides to go through the absolute misery that is pregnancy and giving birth shes gonna want to keep it afterwards too. Whether she can raise it properly or not.

I want to have kids some day, but I really really do not want to go through the pregnancy and childbirth thing. Ugh what a horrible experience that would be. Wish we were built to have a bit more of a pleasant and smooth childbirth experience. Not a massively disproportionate body and messed up hormones and organs for 9 months and then risking your life, and most likely having your woman parts either cut open or ripped open or even worse having a C section which involves having your abdomen cut open... while you are still awake... and then having a permanent hideous scar on your belly forever. Its like something out of a horror movie. Most of you are guys, you probably can't feel the reality of how horrible it is if there is no chance of it ever happening to you.

I do believe this is why people generally do not opt to keep it and give it up for adoption. Either they don't want it at all or they keep it for good. You know, with all the pain and effort put into it why would you just want to give it away? Especially when we are talking about the same people who go and sleep around without thinking of the consequences. What makes you think they'd go through all that just to give it up?

[2:08:58 am] Moongoddess256: being asian makes you naturally good at ddr
[2:09:22 am] gnizmo: its a weird genetic thing
[2:09:30 am] gnizmo: goes back to hunting giant crabs in feudal Japan