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Street Fighter IV Unlockable Character Wishlist

We dig deep into Capcom's catalog to find our dream team.

Arthur the Knight from Ghouls 'n Ghosts
This is the perfect opportunity to use some stylish character model degradation as the fight continues. Arthur was famous for walking around in his skivvies after being hit by one of those pain in the ass Ghouls and/or Ghosts, so why not have his armor chip away as he takes damage? He could use his lance and its respective powers to flesh out a move list that would likely feature slower, more powerful moves due to the weight of his armor. Taking it a step further, maybe his move list changes as his armor chips away and his body's range of motion frees up.

Ghouls 'N Ghosts


Captain Commando from Captain Commando
This guy was born to be in Capcom fighting games. The star of his own title back in 1991 in arcades that later made its way across a myriad of systems, Captain Commando also spent time as the official mascot for Capcom. His Energy Gloves spew out fire and electricity, both familiar territory for a Street Fighter game. The character for Street Fighter IV would be fast and would make use of Commando's dash attacks such as Captain Cannon and Captain Kick. Better names, there are none.

Captain Commando


Dante from Devil May Cry
Anyone who has played Devil May Cry knows that its main character, Dante, would need very little adaptation to make it into a Street Fighter game. His character would be very fast with a strong leaping ability and would make use of his guns Ebony and Ivory as well as his trusty sword, Rebellion. There's also large library of other items and weapons that could easily be pulled into Street Fighter IV for Dante to use.

Devil May Cry


Haggar from Final Fight
Haggar would present a fantastic matchup against Zangief in Street Fighter IV. Big and oafish and with a wrestling background under his belt, Haggar would be a powerful character with bone-breaking moves. He used a flying pile driver and the double lariat in Final Fight along with other moves that are a perfect fit for the style of Street Fighter.

Final Fight


Jet Suit Mega Man from Mega Man 6
Ryu has his Hadouken move and Mega Man has his blaster. Seems like a perfect fit, right? Toss in the ability to hover for a short time and Jet Suit Mega Man is a formidable opponent. He could even be designed as a smaller character (in the same vein as Yoda in Soulcalibur IV) and use his height to dodge attacks and frustrate opponents. His speed would be moderate, as would the power of his attacks. While Jet Suit Mega Man technically can't charge his blaster, we'd bend the rules for Street Fighter IV and toss in his trusty dog, Rush for good measure.

Mega Man 6

Predator from Alien vs. Predator Arcade
The Predator should be a part of the game based on cool factor alone. I mean that shoulder turret, camouflage, alien staff and a host of other killing utensils make Predator the perfect killing machine. He would have two costumes; one with the mask and one with that ugly mother****** face glaring at his opponents. The classic Predator scream would be utilized as the world's scariest taunt.

Alien vs. Predator


Radd Spencer from Bionic Commando
The hero from one of Capcom's greatest series was recently reborn on Xbox Live and has the opportunity to find more new life in Street Fighter IV. His move list would hinge entirely on utilizing his gun and grappling hook. He would attach his bionic arm to the top of the screen and could chain together moves while swinging from one side of the screen to the other. Sounds like great fun.

Bionic Commando


Samanosuke Akechi from Onimusha
In the same vein as Dante, Samanosuke would be a very fast moving character given his samurai background. In Onimusha Samaonsuke made use of a variety of weapons, some of which were elemental based and granted him certain projectile attacks. These weapons would be triggered by a button combination to launch one projectile before putting the weapon away.



Strider Hiryu from Strider
Yet another ninja-style fighter makes the list in the form of Strider, one of Capcom's most beloved characters from the series of the same name. He would yield his trusty Cypher to rip through enemies and would also have access to the different partners that could be summoned in the original game. Luckily Strider has made appearances in other Capcom fighting games, so we already have a decent idea of how he would handle in Street Fighter IV. Nonetheless, he'd still be a perfect fit.


Wesker from Resident Evil
The granddaddy of survival horror villains, Albert Wesker is probably the least conducive character for being transplanted into a fighting game, but he's just too cool to let him sit on the shelf. Wesker gave himself super-human strength and agility to avoid his death after the first game and those abilities would play some part in his character. Being a member of the STARS team opens up other military armaments that could act Wesker's version of projectiles. Again, he's not a perfect fit, but it would be great fun.


I'm not the biggest street fighter fan, even I know this is not right.  It's hard to take this thread seriously anyway though.  It must be a joke, created with the sole purpose of getting hits.  But I wonder, does this mean anything for IGN's credibility.  If they fill their site with nonsensical bs could it not be harmful to their reputation, or do they just not give a fuck about the readers anymore?  Apart from this, there are also those terrible and inaccurate reviews they've been writing latley.  I don't know but I tend to trust these people less and less, and after this, I dont know what to think. 

Your thoughts.

P.S: Seriously, Megaman, Predator and Wesker? They must be trippin balls 


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this article is a joke.


Everybody knows, that the best unlockable character would be Big Daddy from Bioshock

You can't go wrong with Radd Spencer! xD

IMO, it looks more like a Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom dream team than SFIV.

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

I think I prefer



Maybe in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, but Street Fighter 4? They dreamin'.

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What's wrong with Mega Man? He's been in other fighting games...

wouldn't you find him somewhat out of place in street fighter?  Wouldn't you find all of them except haggar out of place?


That, my friend, is something a lot more potent than crack speaking...

^^ lol lsd?


Totally agree with the exception of Haggar none of those characters fits into the main SF series. If it was something like the marvel vs capcom games of before I wouldn't see a problem with any of them although predator would still not fit

“When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” They told me I didn’t understand the assignment and I told them they didn’t understand life." - author unknown