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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - (Rumor) Microsoft first party games lower MSRP? (Rumor)

goddog said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Andres9888 said:

GT:P was just a demo so you can take that off your list but it would be interesting to see this dual price stragery because it would be easier to sell a single player game at a lower price plus you have the bonus of having a cheap system plus inexpensive games to boot.


 And yet over 2.5million spent 40 dollars on it.... damn thats gotta sting since it sold more than Forza 2.


and that sets a terrible precedent for demos in the future i dont want to pay for demos and crap like that could ruin it for everyone. 


 Funny there was a GT5 demo on the PSN... and it was FREE

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Max King of the Wild said:
goddog said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Andres9888 said:

GT:P was just a demo so you can take that off your list but it would be interesting to see this dual price stragery because it would be easier to sell a single player game at a lower price plus you have the bonus of having a cheap system plus inexpensive games to boot.


 And yet over 2.5million spent 40 dollars on it.... damn thats gotta sting since it sold more than Forza 2.


and that sets a terrible precedent for demos in the future i dont want to pay for demos and crap like that could ruin it for everyone. 


 Funny there was a GT5 demo on the PSN... and it was FREE


well then just get that demo, and dont buy another one... paying for  a demo as i said above is bad precedent... your comment does not change that, all it does is show 2.48 million shuks can be ripped off for a demo, and there are more out there to screw over....  its just like the people who bought crackdown for the halo demo, and not because the  free demo of crackdown showed what a bad ass game crackdown was

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

goddog said:
Max King of the Wild said:
goddog said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Andres9888 said:

GT:P was just a demo so you can take that off your list but it would be interesting to see this dual price stragery because it would be easier to sell a single player game at a lower price plus you have the bonus of having a cheap system plus inexpensive games to boot.


 And yet over 2.5million spent 40 dollars on it.... damn thats gotta sting since it sold more than Forza 2.


and that sets a terrible precedent for demos in the future i dont want to pay for demos and crap like that could ruin it for everyone. 


 Funny there was a GT5 demo on the PSN... and it was FREE


well then just get that demo, and dont buy another one... paying for  a demo as i said above is bad precedent... your comment does not change that, all it does is show 2.48 million shuks can be ripped off for a demo, and there are more out there to screw over....  its just like the people who bought crackdown for the halo demo, and not because the  free demo of crackdown showed what a bad ass game crackdown was


 1 track and 5 cars is a demo. GT5P has 75 cars... do the math.

Max King of the Wild said:
goddog said:
Max King of the Wild said:
goddog said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Andres9888 said:

GT:P was just a demo so you can take that off your list but it would be interesting to see this dual price stragery because it would be easier to sell a single player game at a lower price plus you have the bonus of having a cheap system plus inexpensive games to boot.


 And yet over 2.5million spent 40 dollars on it.... damn thats gotta sting since it sold more than Forza 2.


and that sets a terrible precedent for demos in the future i dont want to pay for demos and crap like that could ruin it for everyone. 


 Funny there was a GT5 demo on the PSN... and it was FREE


well then just get that demo, and dont buy another one... paying for  a demo as i said above is bad precedent... your comment does not change that, all it does is show 2.48 million shuks can be ripped off for a demo, and there are more out there to screw over....  its just like the people who bought crackdown for the halo demo, and not because the  free demo of crackdown showed what a bad ass game crackdown was


 1 track and 5 cars is a demo. GT5P has 75 cars... do the math.


your ignoring my argument, all im saying is it is a bad precedent to show people we will pay for a demo. its bad for the gamer, because it could cause more games to head this way which will in the future hinder our ability to make judgments on a game before paying for it. 

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

Dodece said:


You are the same person who made this infamous thread "September 25th rumor" which was complete bullshit and once again you are setting up another souceless rumor that has the same tone as that one. It amazes me people have such short memories that they would ever believe you again. I also hope this one doesn't get posted on blogs like the last made up rumor did.

Completed XBLA: 16 / 32
Completed Retail: 17 / 64
GS Completion %: 82.63%
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Well, the rumors at least plausable. Banjo and Viva Pinata already released at a lower price, Halo:ODST is expected to also. The install base is big enough to spread out the costs for lower priced games anyways.

Yet, today, America's leaders are reenacting every folly that brought these great powers [Russia, Germany, and Japan] to ruin -- from arrogance and hubris, to assertions of global hegemony, to imperial overstretch, to trumpeting new 'crusades,' to handing out war guarantees to regions and countries where Americans have never fought before. We are piling up the kind of commitments that produced the greatest disasters of the twentieth century.
 — Pat Buchanan – A Republic, Not an Empire

VG Mythbuster.... Plausible!

First of all, Prologue was not a demo, it was a prologue, so half a game

Anyway, M$ have already decreased the price of many of their first party games like Sony have done with an RRP of £45 in the UK, £5 cheaper than most, but of course around the holidays most games are discounted like crazy

Another rumor from Dodece sans a link. How well did the whole XBOX 360 relaunch work out on September 25 again?

Anyway, this wouldn't be news even if it did. I'm pretty sure that Sony and Nintendo did it before on previous consoles, because they get a higher share of first-party sales, so they pass the savings onto the consumers. But with higher development costs, and price points, it wasn't in the cards.

But if so, it's good. Games should be cheaper if they're first party since the company gets more money off of those.


How much more vociferous must my disclaimer be. That infamous rumor you allude to was substantially debased by your truly as most likely being entirely bullshit. That however did not stop the bloggers, and others from deciding to cut out my disclaimer. Thus creating themselves a story where none existed. That rumor was shared for hilarity, and as nothing more then an interesting discussion of concept.

There was or is not anything wrong with either of these posts as long as they remain in context. I am not a media source. I have no way to independently verify anything that someone tells me. I can only relay what they said. I really cannot help you if your too stupid to differentiate some back alley rumor from certifiable news. The vast majority of posters on these forums are responsible, and intelligent enough to know the difference. That being said if I hear something relevant I am more then likely to share it with fellow responsible members.

I also think it is blatantly obvious that I placed a verbal injunction against shoddy journalism that totally removed the previous rumor from its correct proportions. I hope that means some fly by night maggot does not retread this to get hits.