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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Case Study: Is this Justified?

Well it shouldn't have to be that specific. From what I see, this guy based his opinion off of 4 titles having played through. Out of the entire library, he bases his opinion off 4. Not only that he trades it in and uses it as a way to put down the PS3.

Entitlement is there as he can put his opinion any way he wants. But to think that's justice towards the PS3. There's no justice there. The console wasn't given a fair chance because he didn't support it.

It's similar to the thoughts of some about Obama being president. They don't know what he's going to do just know a few of his ideas and already they have an idea of how good or bad he's going to be. That's not justice at all.

Justification needs more than a trial. Justification needs dedication. To really say something bad about something you need to have witnessed that. You haven't witnessed a bad Playstation 3 by playing 4 games on it. You haven witnessed a good one either.

Part of the issue comes from not supporting it like a primary console because really the only way you'll gain that justification is by doing that. And if after all that you still don't like it, then your opinion is justified. That's justice and this is not that.

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izaaz101 said:
Some quick questions, if you don't mind.

1) Does he like his 360?

2) What games does he like on his 360?

And a small error, not really a big wrote he bought 2 games, but you listed 3.


 Sorry about that. 

1. Doesn't matter

2. doesn't matter

The 360 notion there is for completion not necessarily a point.  The question is simply dealing with whether you think playing 4 games on a console is enough to justify an opinion thereof.

he hates 3 of the 4 games he played and the rest of whats out and upcoming doesnt interest him. it doesnt seem at all rushed and appears to be a well thought out opinion. to imply he needed to purchase all games on the system to actually determine if he likes them is nonsense. he wasnt enjoying his purchase and there is nothing wrong with him saying he didnt enjoy his purchase

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Id say its justified, he is expressing his experience with said console... regardless of the console, he bought it, disliked 3/4s of the games he got for it, clearly the replay value of the first was not worth keeping the console, based on these events he gets rid of the console and get a new one. he simply shares this experience with his friends..

honestly you should have left out the part about it being a ps3, or the titles of the games. that biased this whole discussion

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MrBubbles said:

he hates 3 of the 4 games he played and the rest of whats out and upcoming doesnt interest him. it doesnt seem at all rushed and appears to be a well thought out opinion. to imply he needed to purchase all games on the system to actually determine if he likes them is nonsense. he wasnt enjoying his purchase and there is nothing wrong with him saying he didnt enjoy his purchase


but at the same time there are plenty of demos for games on the PSN which he should have easily been able to access. There are also BR movies which could have been purchased to fill in gaps between game releases.

This can be the same with the other consoles (minus the Wii since it doesnt have demos)

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If he doesn't like LBP, CoD4 (especially) and Motorstorm, which are three highly regarded titles from diverse genres, I'm not sure what he's going to find on the 360 to satisfy him.

However, if he likes MGS4, perhaps he should invest in some DVD's, which are like MGS4, but without the annoying button pushing.

misterd said:

If he doesn't like LBP, CoD4 (especially) and Motorstorm, which are three highly regarded titles from diverse genres, I'm not sure what he's going to find on the 360 to satisfy him.

However, if he likes MGS4, perhaps he should invest in some DVD's, which are like MGS4, but without the annoying button pushing.

I agree. LBP, CoD 4, and Motorstorm are all great games in their genres!

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Totally justified, games aren't cheap and it you've bought 4 and still aren't satisfied with the system why waste more money. Even if said person picks up another game and likes it there's really no guarantee their overall opinion towards the system will change.

Personally I started disliking the Wii after the 3rd or 4th game I bought and while occasionally
I pick up a game and enjoy it I still don't really like the Wii and that's probably not going to change.

Zucas said:
Justification needs more than a trial. Justification needs dedication. To really say something bad about something you need to have witnessed that. You haven't witnessed a bad Playstation 3 by playing 4 games on it. You haven witnessed a good one either.

At what point do you draw the line? If you haven't played 100% of the library, you don't have a justified opinion? 90%? 80%? I doubt many people have played more than 10% of the library and even then, how many hours do you need to have played each game?

Well the way I see it, this guy gave himself an opportunity to judge the PS3 properly.

1) He had a first hand experience with it, and saw for himself the pros and cons of the PS3, instead of complaining about it from afar (like many people do on this, and every other forum across the internet).

2) He played arguably 3 of the best games available on the PS3, and found that he only liked one of them.

3) He looked for other games available on the PS3, but didn't find anything interesting.....and even then he held onto it for a couple of months, which gave more times for games to come out.

Then when he saw that it was just sitting there, not even being powered on, he decided to at least get some of his money back.

I'd say he was justified in disliking, and being disappointed with the console...........however, this does not give him the right to say that it is awful............just something that's not for him.