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Well the way I see it, this guy gave himself an opportunity to judge the PS3 properly.

1) He had a first hand experience with it, and saw for himself the pros and cons of the PS3, instead of complaining about it from afar (like many people do on this, and every other forum across the internet).

2) He played arguably 3 of the best games available on the PS3, and found that he only liked one of them.

3) He looked for other games available on the PS3, but didn't find anything interesting.....and even then he held onto it for a couple of months, which gave more times for games to come out.

Then when he saw that it was just sitting there, not even being powered on, he decided to at least get some of his money back.

I'd say he was justified in disliking, and being disappointed with the console...........however, this does not give him the right to say that it is awful............just something that's not for him.