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Well it shouldn't have to be that specific. From what I see, this guy based his opinion off of 4 titles having played through. Out of the entire library, he bases his opinion off 4. Not only that he trades it in and uses it as a way to put down the PS3.

Entitlement is there as he can put his opinion any way he wants. But to think that's justice towards the PS3. There's no justice there. The console wasn't given a fair chance because he didn't support it.

It's similar to the thoughts of some about Obama being president. They don't know what he's going to do just know a few of his ideas and already they have an idea of how good or bad he's going to be. That's not justice at all.

Justification needs more than a trial. Justification needs dedication. To really say something bad about something you need to have witnessed that. You haven't witnessed a bad Playstation 3 by playing 4 games on it. You haven witnessed a good one either.

Part of the issue comes from not supporting it like a primary console because really the only way you'll gain that justification is by doing that. And if after all that you still don't like it, then your opinion is justified. That's justice and this is not that.