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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Mario and Zelda must go.

I understand that everyone wants to have good games for their Wii. I have a Wii. The most recent game I purchased for it is Mario Kart. I do not like it. The only good Wii games I have are Twilight Princess, Super Mario Galaxy, and Brawl. I have no plans of buying any games for it in the future. Nothing has interested me. Nintendo use to be a good company. If I would have known the Wii would have been like this, I would have never purchased one. Each of those three game have superior predecessors. Anyway, if you want good games, buy a real system! Nintendo has forever forsaken gamers.

I have moved and do not have the internet at home, yet.

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johnathonmerritt said:
I understand that everyone wants to have good games for their Wii. I have a Wii. The most recent game I purchased for it is Mario Kart. I do not like it. The only good Wii games I have are Twilight Princess, Super Mario Galaxy, and Brawl. I have no plans of buying any games for it in the future. Nothing has interested me. Nintendo use to be a good company. If I would have known the Wii would have been like this, I would have never purchased one. Each of those three game have superior predecessors. Anyway, if you want good games, buy a real system! Nintendo has forever forsaken gamers.


You're warned: do not troll.

If nothing else in the Wii library interests you you either haven't searched well enough or you're not really a gamer.

Mario and Zelda are still around?


You're joking.


Let me guess. They have something kind of like the Power Glove that actually works too. You guys are too funny.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

look bottom line, if M & Z has to go, then many, manyyyyyy other titles has to go as well. This means non-nintendo yes. scream.

SaviorX said:

"Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Pokemon, all those games are rehashes"


That is the sentiment of some gamers which I have absolutely no idea of understanding. Can somebody please explain to me why someone would say this sober?

The general view comes from the teenagers who didn't even play half of the zelda or mario games. They were born with the PS1. The only category that is different is Pokemon, which they DID grow up with, but expanded out to Dragonball, Naruto, etc and dismiss Pokemon being for little kids, and are trying to show how "grown up" they are by switching to a different anime. Oh.. the irony.


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I'll take another Zelda and Mario game with a smile on my face! Hurry the hell up Nintendo!

~Currently Playing Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank: FTOD, and Resistance: Retribution~

They are called hypocrites. These are the same people that are buying sequels of games that are usually numbered.

zerosaurus said:

They are called hypocrites. These are the same people that are buying sequels of games that are usually numbered

I think that's a gross misjudgement. I'm sure there are series that you used to like but are now bored of, while the majority of the fanbase still gobbles it up. While you are undoubtedly right about some/most, they're certainly not all hypocrites.


if mario and zelda go ( basically my top 2 favorite franchises) i will hunt miyamoto down and make him do another mario and zelda game at gun point.

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434


Who are these "some gamers"?
Did this rant come from somewhere or just some really "dim bulbs" you know?


Yahtzee doesn't count -- he hates everything.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492