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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Ghostbusters relaunch trailer, release date, and new progress report

Looks amazing I cannot wait for this game, and the Wii version actually looks pretty good, I wasn't sure if it was going to live up to the HD versions but I like what I see. One question the Wii and HD versions are the same story and essentially the same game right?

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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looks pretty good. Might pick it up depending on the final result. Good luck with it either way :p

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Onyxmeth said:

What are you guys talking about? This game rocks. When I was six it was all about Mario Bros. 2 + 3, Friday the 13th game, and Ghostbusters game. Now Jaws, that game was shit.

If you weren't a moderator, I would so fucking ban you for saying anything positive about the Friday the 13th game.


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KylieDog said:
The Wii cartoon style is full of fail.

As much I would love controlling a proton pack with a Wiimote, that is just insulting compared to the HD versions.

I actually have the opposite reaction. The Wii can't do photorealistic, not compared to the HD systems, so it's better to go with a different art style. And I like this one: it reminds me of the old cartoon.

Not too surprising, though, since Red Fly is essentially a studio of artists first. Hoepfully the gameplay will be up to snuff on that version.


noname2200 said:
KylieDog said:
The Wii cartoon style is full of fail.

As much I would love controlling a proton pack with a Wiimote, that is just insulting compared to the HD versions.

I actually have the opposite reaction. The Wii can't do photorealistic, not compared to the HD systems, so it's better to go with a different art style. And I like this one: it reminds me of the old cartoon.

Not too surprising, though, since Red Fly is essentially a studio of artists first. Hoepfully the gameplay will be up to snuff on that version.


 Honestly I prefer the way the Wii version looks. I really do not like photo-realistic graphics. I don't want hyper realistic experiences. I rather a goofy off the wall game. I want a game that makes me fall in love with a new world, rather than seeing a brown version of the real one. Sadly most photo-realistic games seem to forget there are colors out there other than brown and grey in my experience.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

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Gnizmo said:
noname2200 said:
KylieDog said:
The Wii cartoon style is full of fail.

As much I would love controlling a proton pack with a Wiimote, that is just insulting compared to the HD versions.

I actually have the opposite reaction. The Wii can't do photorealistic, not compared to the HD systems, so it's better to go with a different art style. And I like this one: it reminds me of the old cartoon.

Not too surprising, though, since Red Fly is essentially a studio of artists first. Hoepfully the gameplay will be up to snuff on that version.


 Honestly I prefer the way the Wii version looks. I really do not like photo-realistic graphics. I don't want hyper realistic experiences. I rather a goofy off the wall game. I want a game that makes me fall in love with a new world, rather than seeing a brown version of the real one. Sadly most photo-realistic games seem to forget there are colors out there other than brown and grey in my experience.

Walk outside and look around you. Chances are, most things are brown or grey. Imagine a city of rubble, a place where many modern games are placed. It's a terribly grey and brown place.

I don't hold the color palette against developers, I hold their lack of imagination and their apparent lack of progress in the ability to make lighting engines that don't identify 50% of your surroundings as "0/0/0 RGB" in contempt, not their attempts at reality in the places they do portray.


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Gnizmo said:
noname2200 said:
KylieDog said:

 Honestly I prefer the way the Wii version looks. I really do not like photo-realistic graphics. I don't want hyper realistic experiences. I rather a goofy off the wall game. I want a game that makes me fall in love with a new world, rather than seeing a brown version of the real one. Sadly most photo-realistic games seem to forget there are colors out there other than brown and grey in my experience.

In all fairness, I think there's much to be said for photorealism in some games. It's not an inherently bad thing by any means, and for "serious" games it works better.

But my personal tastes tend much, much more towards your own. I like bright, colorful, and imaginative artsytles (in general). Photorealistic games can do this too, obviously, but precious few ever do, which is a pity.


rocketpig said:
Gnizmo said:
noname2200 said:
KylieDog said:

 Honestly I prefer the way the Wii version looks. I really do not like photo-realistic graphics. I don't want hyper realistic experiences. I rather a goofy off the wall game. I want a game that makes me fall in love with a new world, rather than seeing a brown version of the real one. Sadly most photo-realistic games seem to forget there are colors out there other than brown and grey in my experience.

Walk outside and look around you. Chances are, most things are brown or grey. Imagine a city of rubble, a place where many modern games are placed. It's a terribly grey and brown place.

I don't hold the color palette against developers, I hold their lack of imagination and their apparent lack of progress in the ability to make lighting engines that don't identify 50% of your surroundings as "0/0/0 RGB" in contempt, not their attempts at reality in the places they do portray.


What a depressing city you must live in!

Edit: And this kind of goes along with your second point, but why is it that photorealistic games usually take place in such dreary environments? Granted that the city's always just been destroyed, but why must it always be overcast, and why is it that the citizens of the city never seem to have discovered colors before the place got razed?

It's just steel and concrete, over and over. I can understand why a game like this would be like that (it's New-freaking York), but why must your fictitious/far future games always be the same?

Ah well. End rant-cum-irrelevant tangent.

rocketpig said:

Walk outside and look around you. Chances are, most things are brown or grey. Imagine a city of rubble, a place where many modern games are placed. It's a terribly grey and brown place.

I don't hold the color palette against developers, I hold their lack of imagination and their apparent lack of progress in the ability to make lighting engines that don't identify 50% of your surroundings as "0/0/0 RGB" in contempt, not their attempts at reality in the places they do portray.


 I do look around a lot which is my problem. I see a ton of green, but brown not so much. Occasionally some grey for the streets. Other than that I see a wide range of colors to look at and enjoy. I hardly ever see any brown at all though.

There is nothing inherently wrong with photo-realistic graphics. They are not my cup of tea, but clearly they are popular. If people want it then more power to them. I just can't get on the band wagon for it, thus I champion the more cartoony or otherwise artistically different and stylized art direction.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

For both of you, pay attention to my second point. Many of these games take place in apocalyptic urban environments... Brown and grey. Overcast. Blah blah blah.

Like I said, I blame the lack of imagination. It's hard to create an interesting gameplay environment without a city. With the city, you get loads of bland colors. Think of 9/11 ground zero. There were plenty of colors there at 8:55 AM. At 9:55 AM, not so much. All grey.

Look at games like Halo, BioShock, or even Haze if you want realism without the bland color palette. Two of those are largely jungle environments, one is a decadent underwater city.

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