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rocketpig said:

Walk outside and look around you. Chances are, most things are brown or grey. Imagine a city of rubble, a place where many modern games are placed. It's a terribly grey and brown place.

I don't hold the color palette against developers, I hold their lack of imagination and their apparent lack of progress in the ability to make lighting engines that don't identify 50% of your surroundings as "0/0/0 RGB" in contempt, not their attempts at reality in the places they do portray.


 I do look around a lot which is my problem. I see a ton of green, but brown not so much. Occasionally some grey for the streets. Other than that I see a wide range of colors to look at and enjoy. I hardly ever see any brown at all though.

There is nothing inherently wrong with photo-realistic graphics. They are not my cup of tea, but clearly they are popular. If people want it then more power to them. I just can't get on the band wagon for it, thus I champion the more cartoony or otherwise artistically different and stylized art direction.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229