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Forums - General Discussion - Tired of being you? Science can make you think you're somebody else.


The gist of it: Scientist have tricked the brain into identifying a body that is not it's own, as being it's own. It can make you believe that you are the body of a mannequin or of an entirely different person. Very trippy stuff.


The application?

The knowledge that the sense of corporal identification/self-perception can be manipulated to make people believe that they have a new body is of potential practical use in virtual reality applications and robot technology.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

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A virtual reality game where I identify the virtual body as my own would be crazy trippy.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

just watch Fight Club, bascially the same.

cant wait to see what this turns into in the future

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O-D-C said:
just watch Fight Club, bascially the same.


That's what I was thinking.

Finally I can get some Total Recall action going up in here. Now bring on the chick with the paper-mache boobs...

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Wow, that's insane. I think I like being me too much though. haha.


I wonder who I'd want to be though.

Chuck Norris of course :P

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