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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft's OS market share lowest in 15 years!


exactly the game Monopoly is brilliant!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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axumblade said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Well APPLe doesn't deserve marketshare so I hope M$ wins!

Eh. I'd rather have Apple and Linux fighting at higher percentages because it creates competition. Competition is always great for advancing technology.


 No, firms with huge amounts of mioney to put into R&D are good for technology, too much competition can kill development.

LMAO microsofts monopoly crumble?... whats next? N-gage winning handheld war?

comon this cant be taken serious

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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This is online only. The article also goes on to explain that the numbers are more than likely too low because more home users have Linux or Mac OS X installed and they were on more than usual during the thanksgiving holiday.

This is good news. More competition in the OS market is good for consumer.

In 6 years non-MS operating system went from 2.5% to 10%.

Around the Network
ssj12 said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Well APPLe doesn't deserve marketshare so I hope M$ wins!


what? Steve Jobs's empire pwns Bill Gate's. Apple FTW!


Im sorry but steve jobs aint as good as you think, his employees are the reason to apples real success but he gets the credit. I will only give him credit for making one of the best companies in the world PIXAR

axumblade said:
SamuelRSmith said:
axumblade said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Well APPLe doesn't deserve marketshare so I hope M$ wins!

Eh. I'd rather have Apple and Linux fighting at higher percentages because it creates competition. Competition is always great for advancing technology.


 No, firms with huge amounts of mioney to put into R&D are good for technology, too much competition can kill development.

I understand the first part but the second part doesn't make much sense to me. I understand that competition can be a bad thing sometimes but when companies are competing for that advantage percentage over their competitor, it usually leads to better products being released.

I really don't see Microsoft dipping below 85 percent in the next 10 years but at the same time, I think it would be good to have competition and choice of which OS to have. Most places around here don't even sell Macs. My store will get them once every year or so and that's about it.


 Competition is good until a certain point, however, if you have multiple parties in the 20-30% range of marketshare, none of them are going to have huge amounts of money, and they'll have to be spending more money on marketing, cutting prices, etc, basically, they'll have less money to spend on development.

360 fans should be happy with this. This is actually good news for Microsoft's "Entertainment and Devices Division". (aka the Xbox division)

This is the division where Mac Office sales are hidden away, so that people do not know how many hundred of millions it is making for Microsoft.

Poor poor MS.

Hopefully it keeps going down. MS is one of my most hated compainies in the world, I'm actually talking to you from Ubuntu right now...