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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - A Super Street Fighter II Turbo Remix Thread

something is broke with this game, I won a ranked match with all characters last night TWICE... and I did not got the achievement.

And Is sad to me that the most difficult characters to pull those wins were ryu/ken...

SSBB FC: 5155 2671 4071 elgefe02: "VGChartz's Resident Raving Rabbit"   MKWii:5155-3729-0989

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elgefe02 said:
nope.. I need to setup a room (Private + only one round) invite a friend, and beat him with all characters in one session, so all characters have a 1 victory on the chart. after that the achievement is unlocked.

The guy that told that has the achievement unlocked but not the 20 ranked matchs achievement so I pretty much believe him...

Do you wanna help Disolitude?

I don't think this will work. It has to be ranked...and you can't set up private rooms in ranked matches.


I'm getting this soon (although I suck at fighting games) but I can't decide on the system. Are they both the same? If not, what differences does the PS3/360 have?


SlumsofOhio said:
I'm getting this soon (although I suck at fighting games) but I can't decide on the system. Are they both the same? If not, what differences does the PS3/360 have?

Both are exactly the same. Depends which controller you prefer and if you own an arcade stick for one or the other.

I personally think both controllers suck ass when it comes to 2 d fighting games but you may have a prefference.


Okay, well I don't have a preference when it comes to controls. 360 version it is.


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disolitude said:
elgefe02 said:
nope.. I need to setup a room (Private + only one round) invite a friend, and beat him with all characters in one session, so all characters have a 1 victory on the chart. after that the achievement is unlocked.

The guy that told that has the achievement unlocked but not the 20 ranked matchs achievement so I pretty much believe him...

Do you wanna help Disolitude?

I don't think this will work. It has to be ranked...and you can't set up private rooms in ranked matches.



it sounds strange I know, but several people affirms it works. Anyway.. this seems to be my only option to try right now, since I won last night twice with each character (including akuma) in the ranked matches  and the Achievement did not show up. Really annoying.

Do you wanna try that method for me this night, Will not take more than 5 minutes to try (I will setup 1 round only)


SSBB FC: 5155 2671 4071 elgefe02: "VGChartz's Resident Raving Rabbit"   MKWii:5155-3729-0989

Well, I decided to get the PS3 version, and I start single player. Favorite character is Cammy, she is the character I use online as well. I played Domo-Kun for 13 straight matches, and lost every single match. It was a beating. He used a different character every time too. It seemed that every time I hit the ground, I could never get up and attack. It was a nightmare.


I finally got the achievement... Something was wrong, after winning for third time with akuma I got the achievement.. very weird.
Sadly the game is not fun anymore online, since ranked matches are too easy now that I am in the bottom.

SSBB FC: 5155 2671 4071 elgefe02: "VGChartz's Resident Raving Rabbit"   MKWii:5155-3729-0989

anyone want to challenge me feel free to add me .. in 360

Has anyone noticed the Super Special glitch? If you are too close to your opponent and you use Ryu the fireball special goes right through them whether they computer or opponent is blocking or not.

Here is another question? I have played both the PS3 and 360 versions. Why is it that the 360 version takes more of the screen and runs smoother? Also, why does the 360 version have 5.1 channel sound and the PS3 version only has stereo sound.

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