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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - My 360 has again succumbed to the dreaded RROD

hypnotized by microsoft...thats funny...I dont have a 360 but i have never had a system crash on me that seems like some BS. All it would take is one RROD for me to change to another console.

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Commando said:
The Anarchyz said:
We sure are hypnotized by Microsoft, it's kind of scary... Any other brand having that kind of flaw in its product gets banned from our house for life, not Microsoft products, we forgive them so many times no matter what happens next...

Windows crashes, ok, restart and continue, BSOD? hope i saved my stuff and i better check how i handle my PC, Registry? just format, IE? i don't mind that browser, Office problems? reinstall, and the list keeps going and going...

Meanwhile, i've seen people that say "My Samsung TV doesn't show picture, i'll never buy a Samsung TV again"... But the 360 gets the RROD, i don't hear them saying "I'll never buy a Microsoft console again"...

I don't know, maybe it's just me...


 you've got a point there.

I think it's because that's what we expect from Microsoft, we expect disappointment, and once it arrives we're not surprised, but other brands you expand brilliance and quality, and if you're unlucky and happen to get a fluke it has a different effect on you.


its wierd how you guys hate and love microsoft. i think if it wasnt for the PS3 price alot of you guys would come back to the playstation

@ The Anarchyz,
It's only because the product is so good... we need it.

"Don't care if it breaks, give me another one... RIGHT F***** NOW!"

You know a product is good when people crave it, even if there is a major flaw.


My Gaming Setup

how long does it take for them to fix it?

Around the Network
Neoraf said:

@ The Anarchyz,
It's only because the product is so good... we need it.

You know a product is good when people crave it, even if there is a major flaw.

Exactly, but

@Anarchys and bucknasty:

people experiencing RROD most likely have launch or very old consoles. The thing is, you don't hear about RROD anymore, even as an excuse by Sony fanboys (although there are some who still haven't gotten the picture and use it as an insult) because it's virtually gone. But I guess it will technically always be around because people will always have those launch consoles and are still prone to it, especially the idiots who don't know how to keep a room ventilated.

Proud Owner of: 

250gig FFXIII SE Xbox 360, 250gig Xbox 360 S, black Wii, 120gig PS3 Slim, soon to be 3DS *___*

Who cares bucknasty...
They don't wait to fix your Xbox360, they just send you another one upon receipt.


My Gaming Setup

Username2324 said:
Commando said:
The Anarchyz said:
We sure are hypnotized by Microsoft, it's kind of scary... Any other brand having that kind of flaw in its product gets banned from our house for life, not Microsoft products, we forgive them so many times no matter what happens next...

Windows crashes, ok, restart and continue, BSOD? hope i saved my stuff and i better check how i handle my PC, Registry? just format, IE? i don't mind that browser, Office problems? reinstall, and the list keeps going and going...

Meanwhile, i've seen people that say "My Samsung TV doesn't show picture, i'll never buy a Samsung TV again"... But the 360 gets the RROD, i don't hear them saying "I'll never buy a Microsoft console again"...

I don't know, maybe it's just me...


you've got a point there.

I think it's because that's what we expect from Microsoft, we expect disappointment, and once it arrives we're not surprised, but other brands you expand brilliance and quality, and if you're unlucky and happen to get a fluke it has a different effect on you.


LOL you can say that again!  I knew full well what I was getting into when purchasing a 360 for X-Mas last year so all I could do was shrug and laugh at the situation when it happened to me.

There are only 2 electronics manufacturers that I can think of that I've never had a problem with and can purchase their products with confidence, and they are Nintendo and Panasonic...

I have owned all of Nintendo's systems and handhelds which, aside from the GC, I never had a single problem with, and have now owned 3 Panasonic TVs, a VCR and DVD player, stereo system, portable CD player and camcorder and never had a problem with any of their producs.  I'd give an honorable mention to Sony too, but we did have a problem with a TV set years ago that we returned and exchanged for a Panasonic instead, but they are right up there in quality, just a bit more pricey for my liking.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

Neoraf said:

@ The Anarchyz,
It's only because the product is so good... we need it.

"Don't care if it breaks, give me another one... RIGHT F***** NOW!"

You know a product is good when people crave it, even if there is a major flaw.

Or the people are just dumb and like to waste money?


i have bad luck with electronics, seriously =(... a 360 it's not for me