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Forums - PC Discussion - Apple suggests Mac users to install antivirus software

Senlis said:
vlad321 said:

The only reason Macs don't get viruses is because viruses are not made for them. Apple is extremely inexperienced when compare to Microsoft when it comes to handling exploits and overall security. Microsoft has been dealing with crap like that for over a decade, Apple hasn't even really bothered. Pray that the Mac never overtakes Windows because then it will be a field day for hackers and malicious code programmers.

People said the same thing about firefox, that there are less exploits for firefox since it is not used as much as Internet Explorer.  Now that firefox is widely used, it is still more secure than IE7.

I can list several reasons that Mac is more secure than PC.  A couple are: 1) They do not use file extensions to define how the operating system handles files. 2) MacOSX core is a linux OS, which runs more secure than Windows.

People will always say that the product with the smaller market share are more secure only because hackers don't make exploits for them whether or not it is true.  If MacOS was so easy to hack, more people would do it, regardless of the market share.


Yet when hackers were given a contest to hack an Apple and a Windows labtop the Apple was hacked first.

First try.  Funny that.

While it took these world class hackers till Friday to get into the windows program.

Apple has it's own weaknesses in it's system that Windows is better in.  It's just.... nobody cares.

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For the first time in my 20 years as an Apple user I got a malware warning in the past two weeks. I almost fell off my chair. LOL

Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?

fastyxx said:
For the first time in my 20 years as an Apple user I got a malware warning in the past two weeks. I almost fell off my chair. LOL


 It has a lot to do with the prolifiration of the intranets OS 9 had a lot of viruses for it but fewer people were going online then and  sites were so slow all people really did was check email you just had to be smart enough not to open attachements. Many viruses were spread through floppies like chex my game out and they were targetted to PCs thanks doom.

Senlis said:

I can list several reasons that Mac is more secure than PC.  A couple are: 1) They do not use file extensions to define how the operating system handles files. 2) MacOSX core is a linux OS, which runs more secure than Windows.


1) This is a super-minot nit - either way, extensions or not, you need to protect people from running things that are runnable from an unknown origin.  The file extension really doesn't matter - a jpg file with an expoit in it would still have been opened on a mac (when this exploit actually happened a few years back it was fairly universal - the origin of the security bug was the sample code everyone copied from the JPEG specs).


2) This is where you completely lose all credibility - one of your main two points is completely false.  MacOSX is NOT based on Linux in any way, shape, or form.  It has it's origins in NeXTStep which was based around a Mach (See CMU Mach) Kernel and a derivation of BSD.  I have a lot of respect for the development of NeXTStep (and it's successor OSX) - but you clearly do not know any real reasons why "it should be more secure".


Besides that, the statement "Linux is more secure than Windows" is just as in need of empirical data to back it up as "OSX is more secure than Windows".


Jettas are better than Hondas.  Why?  Because Jettas are made by VW and VW is better than Honda?  (Why?)


scottie said:
vlad321 said:

One of the many reasons Macs don't get viruses is because viruses are not made for them. Apple users also have the advantage of not having a security vulnerability known as Internet Explorer on their system. Also, due to Mac OSX co-operating with 3rd party antivirus software, the Mac is a very safe platform. However, Windows Defender detects 3rd party antivirus software as a virus, and limits its activities, making Vista considerably less secure than either XP or Mac OSX




Very nice fix, however it does nothing to refute my arguments therefore it utterly fails.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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Kasz216 said:
Senlis said:
vlad321 said:

The only reason Macs don't get viruses is because viruses are not made for them. Apple is extremely inexperienced when compare to Microsoft when it comes to handling exploits and overall security. Microsoft has been dealing with crap like that for over a decade, Apple hasn't even really bothered. Pray that the Mac never overtakes Windows because then it will be a field day for hackers and malicious code programmers.

People said the same thing about firefox, that there are less exploits for firefox since it is not used as much as Internet Explorer.  Now that firefox is widely used, it is still more secure than IE7.

I can list several reasons that Mac is more secure than PC.  A couple are: 1) They do not use file extensions to define how the operating system handles files. 2) MacOSX core is a linux OS, which runs more secure than Windows.

People will always say that the product with the smaller market share are more secure only because hackers don't make exploits for them whether or not it is true.  If MacOS was so easy to hack, more people would do it, regardless of the market share.


Yet when hackers were given a contest to hack an Apple and a Windows labtop the Apple was hacked first.

First try.  Funny that.

While it took these world class hackers till Friday to get into the windows program.

Apple has it's own weaknesses in it's system that Windows is better in.  It's just.... nobody cares.

I remember when that happened they had physical access to the machine. and they did it through firefox (not a native app), they also disabled a normal security feature on the machine that would have kept the file from executing by not assigning a password. there was something else they did i cant remember for the life of me what it was... but they exploit is listed now for 10.4.10 as a known issue i dont know if it was ever fixed for 10.4, but i know it does not effect 10.5. .... and also you need phsical access to the unit to do it...... there was a write up about the whole thing on a mac website earlier this year after apple looked into it and released most of the details 


come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

The only fair thing to do to solve these arguments is to have Wozniak, Jobs and Gates get in a ring together and battle it out. I think Wozniak and Jobs would have the advantage since there is two of them, but I bet Gates is feisty when cornered.

midwinter said:

The only fair thing to do to solve these arguments is to have Wozniak, Jobs and Gates get in a ring together and battle it out. I think Wozniak and Jobs would have the advantage since there is two of them, but I bet Gates is feisty when cornered.


your leaving out balmer.... that way its a tag team match with two big sweaty guys and two wirery guys..... though getting woz off his segway will be hard 

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

goddog said:
midwinter said:

The only fair thing to do to solve these arguments is to have Wozniak, Jobs and Gates get in a ring together and battle it out. I think Wozniak and Jobs would have the advantage since there is two of them, but I bet Gates is feisty when cornered.


your leaving out balmer.... that way its a tag team match with two big sweaty guys and two wirery guys..... though getting woz off his segway will be hard 

Out of those Gates, Ballmer, Jobs and Woz. The only two I actually respect are Woz and Gates. The other two live in alternate realities.


redspear said:
goddog said:
midwinter said:

The only fair thing to do to solve these arguments is to have Wozniak, Jobs and Gates get in a ring together and battle it out. I think Wozniak and Jobs would have the advantage since there is two of them, but I bet Gates is feisty when cornered.


your leaving out balmer.... that way its a tag team match with two big sweaty guys and two wirery guys..... though getting woz off his segway will be hard 

Out of those Gates, Ballmer, Jobs and Woz. The only two I actually respect are Woz and Gates. The other two live in alternate realities.


true but only jobs has finatics fallowing him... and a trail of major companies doing well .... pixar, nextstep, apple... then apple again. he may live in another reality, but he manages to bend ours to his will... its very strange.... 


side note did you read that the ipod is facing shortages this year... aparently apple underpredicted sales... several tracking firms raised guesses at sales from 18-19 to 21-23 million for the quarter... its like they are selling legal crack 


come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog