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Senlis said:

I can list several reasons that Mac is more secure than PC.  A couple are: 1) They do not use file extensions to define how the operating system handles files. 2) MacOSX core is a linux OS, which runs more secure than Windows.


1) This is a super-minot nit - either way, extensions or not, you need to protect people from running things that are runnable from an unknown origin.  The file extension really doesn't matter - a jpg file with an expoit in it would still have been opened on a mac (when this exploit actually happened a few years back it was fairly universal - the origin of the security bug was the sample code everyone copied from the JPEG specs).


2) This is where you completely lose all credibility - one of your main two points is completely false.  MacOSX is NOT based on Linux in any way, shape, or form.  It has it's origins in NeXTStep which was based around a Mach (See CMU Mach) Kernel and a derivation of BSD.  I have a lot of respect for the development of NeXTStep (and it's successor OSX) - but you clearly do not know any real reasons why "it should be more secure".


Besides that, the statement "Linux is more secure than Windows" is just as in need of empirical data to back it up as "OSX is more secure than Windows".


Jettas are better than Hondas.  Why?  Because Jettas are made by VW and VW is better than Honda?  (Why?)