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Forums - Sales Discussion - only 8 percent of holiday buyers were considering the upgrade to a Blu-ray


"Specifically on the Blu-ray front, the research found that only 8 percent of holiday buyers were considering the upgrade to a Blu-ray player, despite the fact that prices have reached the sub-200 dollar sweet spot."


"Of course, the cost wouldn't be as much of a problem if the perceived value of Blu-ray was higher. Unfortunately for Blu-ray, most people still don't see the change in quality between DVD and Blu-ray to be significant enough to be worth the cost. Many of those that already have an HDTV are perfectly happy with the quality of the DVDs they already have."


so what i get from this article is that, the cost of blueray discs vs dvd is a big hold up, and this cost difference is one of the main reasons that movie studios want a shift, sounds like a bad catch 22 for studios.    though this does explain the slow rise in costs for dvds ive noticed 

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

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meh, i'll wait til i see some real figures. Yea it's not news the majority of people aren't going to get it yet but sales on stuff like this rises during the holiday season when people are willing to spend the money.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

johnsobas said:
meh, i'll wait til i see some real figures. Yea it's not news the majority of people aren't going to get it yet but sales on stuff like this rises during the holiday season when people are willing to spend the money.


cant argue with that, but id like to see disk sales for the whole library, not just the top 20, which we have a thread for on this site. 

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

One of the big problems Blu-ray is facing is the average consumer does not know DVD's play of the systems. This is often the first question aked in a conversation about Blu-ray. Everyone says "So what do I do with all my DVD's once I buy a Blu-ray Player?". Many are still worried about the way they got stuck with 100's of useless VHS tapes.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


KBG29 said:
One of the big problems Blu-ray is facing is the average consumer does not know DVD's play of the systems. This is often the first question aked in a conversation about Blu-ray. Everyone says "So what do I do with all my DVD's once I buy a Blu-ray Player?". Many are still worried about the way they got stuck with 100's of useless VHS tapes.


I could see that as an issue with consumers being generally stupid. however, something they are able to grasp is cost, and the percived difference in visual quality is not enough to offset the cost difference 

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

Around the Network

Yeah, those damn discs are expensive.

I wonder why PC World gave such a negative spin?
the survey seems on the whole seemed quite positive (except for the mention of Blu-Ray being 8% bit) while their report didn't.

The survey doesn't seem to mention what the % was last year, nor does it say how many asked already had Blu-Ray, so this alalysis of the results seems a bit lame imo. Further, I'd like to see a breakdown of the various demographics sampled in the survey, but I'm not going to register at the site just for that.

anyway, the extract from ABI doesn't seem as dismal as PC World made it out to be.

"One disappointing result for both CE manufacturers and Hollywood has to be the low number of consumers saying they plan on buying a Blu-ray player. Only 8% of those we surveyed have said that they plan to purchase one, this at a time when Blu-ray players can be found for under $200.  This indicates that despite all of the marketing being undertaken on behalf of the new disk format, many consumers still don’t see Blu-ray as a must-have technology."

@ the bolded, it would also be interesting to see how they worded the question. If the $200 cost wasn't mentioned in the questions, it be interesting to see how they PC World derived their page long negative point of view.

EDIT: just registered.

PC World does definately not tell the whole story.

Well worth a read, and to me the part about Blu-Ray in the survey site (registered section) says even less negativity than the other analysis links.

8% is also the amount willing to buy a standard DVD player so go figure.

Desktop PC's are at 7% with portable video players

Digital video recorders (like TiVo) are at 4%

and only 16% are planning to buy a video games console. It doesn't mention how many of those are PS3's


Proud Sony Rear Admiral

111 million US households. 8% means about 9 million people possibly upgrading to blu-ray this holiday.

That is larger that the expected number of Wiis sold this Christmas in the US. How is that bad?

WiiStation360 said:
111 million US households. 8% means about 9 million people possibly upgrading to blu-ray this holiday.

That is larger that the expected number of Wiis sold this Christmas in the US. How is that bad?


lol thats a damned good point too!

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

That's a pretty stupid article.


16% are planning to buy a video-game console this holiday.

That's over 50M across U.S and Canada.


Do you know how many video game machines (Wii + Ps360 + PsP + Ps2 + DS) were bought in the entire Q4 last year? 16.8M. 10.3M in December

That alone should prove that the statistics here is just bullocks.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS