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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Littlebigplanet = LittlebigFlop

kutasek said:
sega4life said:
kutasek said:
It's quite too biased, to take it seriously. Sure LBP didn't do as much as i like too, but calling it flop, is crap.


are you serious?

For the (hype) surrounding this game, not to mention the endless "Will be huge" posts and sig, sigs. (not just on this site)

It can be easily considered a flop.


So we judge the success of a game, based on someone's sigs and posts. If Little Big Planet, is flop, than what the hell is Banjo.


No I'm not Just talking about someones sig and posts, (way to stay clear of all the endless hype of the game.)

The game was hyped to be the bestest thing sense sliced bread, heck even "Sony's New Mascot"

and it didn't turn out that way. In comparison to the hype, it is a flop.



yes in comparison of hype to game, Banjo is a flop as well...



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axumblade said:
It's just a game. It's also not a huge budget game so I don't understand why people like to constantly refer to it as a flop. It's like taking an indie movie like Juno (a film that didn't seem like it would make a lot of money) that grossed 100 million dollars and saying it's a flop because The Dark Knight (one of the most highly anticipated sequels of all time) made 500 million.

True. And the term "flop" is getting tossed around so much that it's lost its original meaning (this game doesn't meet it, for one). That said...

Euphoria14 said:

Let us check some recent sales so far this year and go with the "popular opinion" here.

Lost Odyssey - Flop
Last Remnant - Flop
Banjo - Flop
Too Human - Flop (Game was supposed to "Change the World")
Tales of Vesperia - Flop
Infinite Undiscovery - Flop

Anything I missed?

I do not think these games are all flops, but it only seems fair seeing as how all these games more than likely cost more to develop than LBP did. Not to mention sold less.

You're missing an essential element that's causing the "flop" term to be tossed in here. It's not about the sales, it's about the underperformance (so far!) compared to expectations. Remember, Sony itself said that it expected LittleBigPlanet to be its number one game in all regions this holiday season. Sony also said that this game will be a hardware seller.

The former has a chance of happening, but NPD data shows that's not the case so far (and the author is using just NPD data).

The latter...does not appear to be likely.

To reiterate: the game's doing well by most standards. The "criticisms" are coming from the fact that it's performing far less than many, including Sony, expected it to. In that respect, it's much like Wii Music, although Wii Music may not actually have turned a profit yet.

noname2200 said:
axumblade said:
It's just a game. It's also not a huge budget game so I don't understand why people like to constantly refer to it as a flop. It's like taking an indie movie like Juno (a film that didn't seem like it would make a lot of money) that grossed 100 million dollars and saying it's a flop because The Dark Knight (one of the most highly anticipated sequels of all time) made 500 million.

True. And the term "flop" is getting tossed around so much that it's lost its original meaning (this game doesn't meet it, for one). That said...

Euphoria14 said:

Let us check some recent sales so far this year and go with the "popular opinion" here.

Lost Odyssey - Flop
Last Remnant - Flop
Banjo - Flop
Too Human - Flop (Game was supposed to "Change the World")
Tales of Vesperia - Flop
Infinite Undiscovery - Flop

Anything I missed?

I do not think these games are all flops, but it only seems fair seeing as how all these games more than likely cost more to develop than LBP did. Not to mention sold less.

You're missing an essential element that's causing the "flop" term to be tossed in here. It's not about the sales, it's about the underperformance (so far!) compared to expectations. Remember, Sony itself said that it expected LittleBigPlanet to be its number one game in all regions this holiday season. Sony also said that this game will be a hardware seller.

The former has a chance of happening, but NPD data shows that's not the case so far (and the author is using just NPD data).

The latter...does not appear to be likely.

To reiterate: the game's doing well by most standards. The "criticisms" are coming from the fact that it's performing far less than many, including Sony, expected it to. In that respect, it's much like Wii Music, although Wii Music may not actually have turned a profit yet.

I understand the part where Sony over estimated, I do remember them claiming that it was going to be big in Japan. In the case on MM though, I am sure they are  happy with current sales and most likely consider it a success.

Also in the topic on the main page by "ioi" about Black Friday I am pretty sure it listed Little Big Planet as one of the "Strong software performers".


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This guy, and many like him will be mind-blown when sales are all said and done for my lil' sackboy.

I called lbp a failure from the start.I knew it wasnt gonna sell.The ps3 is a hardcore console owned by teens and adults they wanna play hardcore games leave that stuff to the wii.

My cousin was all hyped for lbp and he never bought i asked him why and he denied ever wanting lmao.

Around the Network
DMeisterJ said:
This guy, and many like him will be mind-blown when sales are all said and done for my lil' sackboy.

Ugh. You're disgusting, dude. I'm off to wash my eyes. With bleach...


sega4life said:
kutasek said:
It's quite too biased, to take it seriously. Sure LBP didn't do as much as i like too, but calling it flop, is crap.


are you serious?

For the (hype) surrounding this game, not to mention the endless "Will be huge" posts and sig, sigs. (not just on this site)

It can be easily considered a flop.

well, according to that reasoning, sega is a flop.


Soriku said:
swyggi said:
The guy said that the PS3 was $700 back in 2006............-_-


With tax! :P

Anyway, although it didn't meet some people's expectations, in no way is this game a flop. So...not a good article.


 I think its only 650 with tax...

This is part of the problem with hype, and sadly it's been in excess for far too many Sony titles now (Lair, Heavenly Sword, Haze, Killzone 2, etc). While hardly anyone was doubting the quality of this title, there was a need to push it as a Mario64 level revolutionary system seller. It was never going to be that. It is a title in what has become a niche genre, exclusive to the lowest selling system of the generation. One million was a reasonable expectation, even 2, given time, but there were too many expcting this to do 4-6 million. Set the bar that high, and yeh, it will (wrongly) look like a flop to some.

axumblade said:
drizzlenuts said:
I called lbp a failure from the start.I knew it wasnt gonna sell.The ps3 is a hardcore console owned by teens and adults they wanna play hardcore games leave that stuff to the wii.

My cousin was all hyped for lbp and he never bought i asked him why and he denied ever wanting lmao.

Wow. That's a revolutionary story. You're a modern day Nostradamus.


Yeah now i will predict that tommorow you will decide to come out of the closet.