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Forums - General Discussion - Post your random facts

Thank you all for posting. Sometimes we all spend so much time arguing over sales numbers that it's just better to post some neat little facts and have fun.



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88 - 100= -12



uh.....troll....joking ^_^


Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is a fear of long words.... and this is my first post

Paper burns at 451 degrees.

I am Daemon. I am the Word.

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The names of the continents all end with the same letter with which
they start.

The average person will eat 8 spiders while sleeping during their lifetime.

leo-j said:

The ps3 is the most powerful gaming machine.

edit: Yes its more powerful than a pc.

Leo-j has never read the specs for the Geforce 8800 Ultra.

The PC, with the right graphics card, will eat the PS3 for lunch (and it had better when the graphics card alone costs $800).

The three leading causes of death in the US are: 1. Heart Disease, 2. Chuck Norris, 3. Cancer.

Hmm, well I am studying for the MCAT right now so I suppose I can contribute this cool medical fact. Okay guys, hang with me, this is actaully pretty interesting but you are going to need a little bit of background knowledge about the different types of nerves works. Prepare for a 45 second crash course on how nerves can work! :D
A nerve picks up a signal at one end and then does a complicated process, which I won't get into, and then sends the signal out the other end onto the next nerve. However what sends the signal out the end to the next nerve? Well it can be two things. Either:  

1)Neuro transmitter chemicals like acetylcholine, these chemicals are released by the cell into the synapse between the cells, and the molecules wander around the open space until the land by chance on the next cell. This method is pretty simple and sort of slow compared to most other body functions (it still happens in 1/100 of a second, but it is by far the slowest part of your nervous system, it's takes up about 99% of time it takes for a nerve to send a signal) But there is another way...

2. Electrical synapse. I'm sure you have all seen the movies where they show the brain and lightning is shooting across everywhere. Yes, these are the "crème de la crème" of cells. These cells are able to create enough charge to shoot mini lighting bolts over to the next cell instead of using those silly neuro transmitters.

Okay so let's review. A nerve cell can either use chemicals (neurotransmitters) or electricity when dealing with passing the nerve signal to the next nerve. The advantages of electrical nerves? Well it's instantaneous, it increases the speed of transmission by almost a hundred fold. Also remember that neurotransmitters are complex chemicals, and a cell only stores so many at once. Meaning neurotransmitter cells can only send a signal so many times before they get tired and need to "recharge". This is one of the reasons why your muscles get tired, the muscles cells are running out of these neurotransmitters and need time to make more.

Some cells can't afford this problem, cells they need to work 24/7. The heart for example, is made entirely of electrical synapse cells so it can run nonstop as long as it has food. Every second the lightning bolts are send across one heart to the other, every second of your entire life.

In addition to heart cells brain cells connected to your conscious self are also electrical, since they need to work without rest. So heart and conscious = electrical, but what about all your other nerves? Well Different people have a different mix of electrical and chemical synapse nerves. What does this mean? Remember electrical nerves have two bonuses, the first being fatigue (which isn't that big of a deal) but the second is Speed. Remember how slow chemical neurotransmitters work? Yea, well, electric ones are instantaneous.

People with even 1% more electrical nerves have substantially better reflexes than the people that don't. Now know what's interesting? Biological historians have traced the bloodlines of famous swordsmen and found that the decedents of people such as Miyamoto Musashi and did tests to determine that these people have extraordinarily high electrical synapse ratios. When most people have 8-12% these people had around 20-30%. The family joked that their grandparents always bragged about being able to do things like catch training spears mid flight and other feats that required incredible reflexes and speed.
There are theories that they was a tribe of humans thousands of years ago that evolved through some event and they all had 100% electrical synapse nerves. There people would have been demi-gods in any form or combat or physical skill, they would not fatigue and they would have reflexes faster than you can even image. You probably think you have pretty fast reflexes, well these people would have had reflexes approximately 90,000 times faster than anyone alive today :O

 No one knows what happened to these people, but their genes have been spread out across the globe. People such as Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, or "King Arthur" all probably possessed a higher concentration of these genes.

Even today, some of us have these genes and some of us don't. Do you win a lot at games like "bloody knuckles"? Do you have fast reflexes? Well chances are one of us at this forum is part of this ancient bloodline and has a higher electrical synapse count...

