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Forums - Sony Discussion - Why I dislike Sony: Long Post

What do you people do to your PS2s? I've had mine for five years, and it still works like the day I bought it. Although it doesn't play God of War or God of War II any more, which is rather odd.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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Read comments below my gamercard for my reasons.........................

--OkeyDokey-- said:
That wasn't very long.

But you managed to cram an impressive amount of stupidity in there regardless.

Couldn't agree more, which makes this thread Sony troll thread number onethousandfivehundredandsixtyfive.

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo

Ronster316 said:
Read comments below my gamercard for my reasons.........................

Damn, you have your old sig back. The faked one was so hilarious...

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Yup, my "torture" is over lol

No more sony promotional material from me, well, until i lose another bet perhaps lol

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Sega's mismanagement of 32X and Saturn cost other publishers and studios hundreds of millions of dollars, most notably EA in North America, who was left with myriad abandoned, half-completed projects for architectures that Sega prematurely axed. EA was so bitter and jaded they would ultimately skip the Dreamcast completely. So I don't understand why anybody would blame Sony for the death of the Dreamcast. Neither Sony nor DVD had anything to do with the DC's death; Sega managed that all on their own.

I think there's a valuable lesson to be learned from how the 32x/Saturn/Dreamcast debacle crippled Sega; something that people need to view and apply to today. Remember Sega every time an Internet keyboard hero starts one of those "Company XYZ is doomed, they need to scrap their console and start 8th gen NOW!" message board threads.

SmokedHostage said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
That wasn't very long.

But you managed to cram an impressive amount of stupidity in there regardless.

It would seem I have..



At least you amit it :P


But as somebody else told you, its your opinion, so....

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

It's amazing how damage control exploded in this thread..

Pixel Art can be fun.

Its a shame Sony wasted a good console. We all wanted to to be the best but with poor management, poor titles (for the most part) poor ports, less graphics (720p) they where doomed.

They paid alot of advertising $ for some high review score but peopl are getting apprehensive, the PS3 Forum is fixed as they delete all negative threads to make all seem rosey. MGS4 is still so cool though.

Now there special for example is people with not as good credit have to pay more for it, and the promotion of two people staring at a brick wall , saying, "Whats on your list" makes me want to pull my hair out..
x12celtics3 is a stalker.

SmokedHostage said:
It's amazing how damage control exploded in this thread..


it's not damage control it's just to easy to respond ;)

since your "facts" aren't facts.