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Sega's mismanagement of 32X and Saturn cost other publishers and studios hundreds of millions of dollars, most notably EA in North America, who was left with myriad abandoned, half-completed projects for architectures that Sega prematurely axed. EA was so bitter and jaded they would ultimately skip the Dreamcast completely. So I don't understand why anybody would blame Sony for the death of the Dreamcast. Neither Sony nor DVD had anything to do with the DC's death; Sega managed that all on their own.

I think there's a valuable lesson to be learned from how the 32x/Saturn/Dreamcast debacle crippled Sega; something that people need to view and apply to today. Remember Sega every time an Internet keyboard hero starts one of those "Company XYZ is doomed, they need to scrap their console and start 8th gen NOW!" message board threads.