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Forums - Sony Discussion - Why I dislike Sony: Long Post



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Sega was holding a knife against their own throat and Sony finished it for them. Their were just no advertisements of the Dreamcast where I live I can ask some gamers what is a Dreamcast and they don't know it. How can you sell something to the mass when the mass don't know it?

i didnt know that anyone could possibly cram in so much fail in a single post. but welldone you have won prat of the year. na you aint aprat bt ut you do have some strange opinions '

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

Sony has a lot of changing and learning to do...

Vaios - I went through four Vaios in less then a year. They have zero durability. High cool factor, but don't use them for work because they don't last...

Sony Phones - I had one and then it died about a month after the warranty expired.

Owned 4 Sony receivers - All died at some point. All other receivers I have ever bought I ended up giving away or selling because they were outdated.

Sony TV - Had a 40" letterbox backlit in the 1999. Three year warranty. Shortly after warranty it pooched. So, I grabbed my latest Sony phone, Sony receiver, Sony speakers, Sony PlayStation 2, the last Sony Vaio I had just received, Sony CD player, Sony Video Camera, and put them in the back of my truck and dumped them at the landfill.

Until the PlayStation 3, I was Sony free for about 4 years and enjoyed every electronic I bought. Revamped my entire collection and I have not had any electronic death issues. I have two PS3's and they have both been back to Sony twice for warranty repair.

You suck.



Take my love, take my land..

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Simulacrum said:
You suck.

Was this truly necessary?


Pixel Art can be fun.

Oh my god, that is just pathetic...

1. My Vaio is fantastic, but my mum has had a few problems with them in the past

2. Damm Sony and their desire to make money!!! How could they possibly include a DVD player to give them sales. They are so horrible for trying to beat their competitors!!!!

3. Oh no, they did something similar!! How horrible, they should have made a controller that was completely different just for the sake of it! You know I hate nintendo because they used optical media after Sony had come up with the idea and make it successful! Oh and I hate Microsoft for making a controller that looked pretty similar to the PS controller, but just fatter. Oh and I hate every phone company that has made a candybar phone when they did not invent the design

4. Japanese market is much smaller, Others is the place that they should be focusing on. Also, it is not their fault that SE are taking forever to bring out FF XIII and v XIII, and that M$ has infinite money to buy all of these jRPGs

Also, how come everyone else has had such a bad experience with Sony products, I have only had a few PS3s and PS2s break on me, and they were replaced quickly and cheaply (I only had to pay twice) and my Sony cameras and phones have been very durable

Munkeh111 said:
Also, how come everyone else has had such a bad experience with Sony products, I have only had a few PS3s and PS2s break on me, and they were replaced quickly and cheaply (I only had to pay twice) and my Sony cameras and phones have been very durable

I never had a Sony console even bug on me... *throws salt over shoulder*


Don't worry SmokedHostage

Most people dissin you here are the same ones who thought LBP would outsell Gears of War 2, Fable 2, and Wii Music.

I don't usually buy Sony stuff, but I'm on my 3rd PS2.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."