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Sony has a lot of changing and learning to do...

Vaios - I went through four Vaios in less then a year. They have zero durability. High cool factor, but don't use them for work because they don't last...

Sony Phones - I had one and then it died about a month after the warranty expired.

Owned 4 Sony receivers - All died at some point. All other receivers I have ever bought I ended up giving away or selling because they were outdated.

Sony TV - Had a 40" letterbox backlit in the 1999. Three year warranty. Shortly after warranty it pooched. So, I grabbed my latest Sony phone, Sony receiver, Sony speakers, Sony PlayStation 2, the last Sony Vaio I had just received, Sony CD player, Sony Video Camera, and put them in the back of my truck and dumped them at the landfill.

Until the PlayStation 3, I was Sony free for about 4 years and enjoyed every electronic I bought. Revamped my entire collection and I have not had any electronic death issues. I have two PS3's and they have both been back to Sony twice for warranty repair.