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Oh my god, that is just pathetic...

1. My Vaio is fantastic, but my mum has had a few problems with them in the past

2. Damm Sony and their desire to make money!!! How could they possibly include a DVD player to give them sales. They are so horrible for trying to beat their competitors!!!!

3. Oh no, they did something similar!! How horrible, they should have made a controller that was completely different just for the sake of it! You know I hate nintendo because they used optical media after Sony had come up with the idea and make it successful! Oh and I hate Microsoft for making a controller that looked pretty similar to the PS controller, but just fatter. Oh and I hate every phone company that has made a candybar phone when they did not invent the design

4. Japanese market is much smaller, Others is the place that they should be focusing on. Also, it is not their fault that SE are taking forever to bring out FF XIII and v XIII, and that M$ has infinite money to buy all of these jRPGs