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Forums - Sony Discussion - Why I dislike Sony: Long Post

Man, joke threads just aren't what they used to be.



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Since some people think the failure of the Dreamcast somehow is somehow entirely sony's doing, maybe a little refresher will help:

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

ameratsu said:
Since some people think the failure of the Dreamcast somehow is somehow entirely sony's doing, maybe a little refresher will help:

You forget about part ii..


Pixel Art can be fun.

You need to be banned, 90% of your post was "Sony released a grill, im so happy they are dying", "They copied nintendo on everything"etc..

Honestly stop

and dvd is a gimmick? Wow


leo-j said:

You need to be banned, 90% of your post was "Sony released a grill, im so happy they are dying", "They copied nintendo on everything"etc..

Honestly stop

and dvd is a gimmick? Wow

A DVD player in a console was a bit of a gimmick in my eyes.

Also I hope Sony lives, competition drives innovation.


Pixel Art can be fun.

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Only thing I dislike about them is that they did help kill the Dreamcast >_> Only reason I don't use them is that after the Dreamcast died my brother went with the Xbox so I had to choose between Ps2 and GC and I choose GC only because I love my GB... O yeah also for killing BC on the PS3 that just pissed me off...

Former something....

I seriously can't see the PSP as any way or form a copy of the GBA.....

4 ≈ One

SmokedHostage said:
ameratsu said:
Since some people think the failure of the Dreamcast somehow is somehow entirely sony's doing, maybe a little refresher will help:

You forget about part ii..



look in the sidebar under related videos. should be the first one listed.


Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

You are correct. Nintendo invented Handles on the remote controller.

Sony must pay for copying handles on a remote controller.


TheBigFatJ said:
I'd agree about the Vaios. They're just poor quality.

However, if I was going to hate Sony for some reason, I'd hate them for the all of the very misleading PR. When they killed the dreamcast, they did it by lying about the PS2's power. With the PS3, they did exactly the same thing. Sony can't help themselves -- they continually overpromise and underdeliver.

The thing is, they've suffered for it. Most people aren't stupid enough to buy into the hype the second time. Sure, you'll still find a few people who think there is some magic power in the PS3 somewhere and it will show itself at some future point when suddenly all PS3 games look much better than 360 games.

But for the most part, people are smart.

A lot of people believed it twice, hence the PS2.

And there will never be a time when all PS3 games look better than 360 games, but this is a good start.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective