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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Help me guys (again): Need advice for DS game purchase!

So here is the plan: it's xmas soon and I'm gonna buy a DS with brain trainer for my grandma. The thing is that I'd also like to get her a "real" game for her, cause it's a pitty to get a DS just for kawashima stuff. Do u have any ideas? The game must be pretty easy and interresting. I was thinking about Layton but I have no idea if it's hard or not?

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New super mario bros, I really wanted to say TWEWY but I decided that might be too much.


Lol super mario bros? This is the first time she's gonna play video games, it's way too complicated for her, I need something "slow", more thinking than action lol.

Super Mario Bros is too much? Um I'm out of ideas.


Play it safe and get New Super Mario Bros. Or be a little more adventurous, and try Elite Beat Agents (assuming she's okay with rhythm games) or Tetris DS.

Actually, tell us about her interests and hobbies, as well as any games you know she's interested in.

Edit: And New Super Mario Bros. is NOT too hard for her, unless she's a bit on the slow side. You run and you jump. It's hard to get any easier than that, mate.

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Although if she's more into the cerebral stuff, there are several adventure games on the system. If she likes film noir, Hotel Dusk would be good. Layton is another good choice, like you said. You can also look into TouchMaster or Sudoku stuff.

I forgot about hotel dusk, I'll maybe get this one ^^Is it complicated?

Nah. It's a bit disorienting at first, because you move with the stylus, but it's also fairly linear, and you'll know soon enough when you did something wrong.

Be warned though that there are two or three spots where it's unclear what you should do next, and those parts are pretty frustrating.

And what about the other game with a grey hair girl? I think that there is the word "code" in the title but I don't remember lol.

Trace Memory? Haven't played it, I'm afraid, but the feedback I've heard has been mostly positive. It's not as deep character or story wise as Hotel Dusk, but it's got more innovative puzzles.

Since you seem to be interested in getting her adventure games, may I recommend the Ace Attorney games? Easy to get into, fairly funny, fun plot, etc. On the flip side, it's less targeted towards adults than Hotel Dusk, which is far more mature than the other titles listed.