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opinion change because there 2 twin Dmeister,

now he becoming greener side, the other Dmeister is still in vacation

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Well, atleast i contributed to the nintendo sales, I bought 4 wii's on black friday 3 for my nephews and one for my sister, and 4 mario karts wii, so we could all race online together =)

I highly doubt a lot of the OP numbers, but on another note as far as my Game Stop we sold a good 60 Wii's and that's with our little shipments cause we're considered a "small" store while on the other hand we've sold probably 30 to 40 DS's, about 4 PS3's (didn't get any 160 gig models till the day after Black Friday) and probably around 20 360s and sold out of the arcade systems.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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SpartanFX said:

i think BR will do wonders  this christmas relatively even with all the economy crisis.

Eh, Blu-ray has been pretty much untouched everywhere i've been... and i've only seen one player sell...

and some of these places like Costco move silly ammounts of HD TVs.


If you read NEOGAF thread then it will seem PS3 hardly sold 100k in NOV. So we should wait for NPD to get official numbers.

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Hopefully blu-ray is beginning to take off...amazing format


SpartanFX said:
outlawauron said:
We got tons more of RB 2 and GH:WT in a truck today.

TLR hasn't sold. Fallout 3 picked up a little. Still sold out of PSP, DS, 360, Wii. We got some PS3s in, and we still have 3 left.


how is MGS4 doin?i ve seen some ads for it yesterday on TV


also how is PS3 selling in your strope in general,,,i mean the number of units sold compared to 360

Eh, it's holding it's own. It's not a top seller, but it's selling every week.


And the 360 does outsell the PS3, but the demographics of my area and actual number of consoles we get in affect those numbers. (we actual sell out of PS3, but we don't get much in the first place.)

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

ssj12 said:
shanbcn said:
ssj12 said:
Gobias said:
Paul said:
ssj12 said:
bigjon said:
The Remaining Wii Stock could have something to do with the massive supply surge at all retailers, even the sears my bro works at has been getting good shipments. They are still selling out, it is just not where people are going turboman for them. It takes maybe 2 days to sell a major shipment.

Also, not that I want to doupt SSJ, but I have worked in retail back in the day, and you dont put electronics on clearance for space. Walmart only makes a very slim margin on Wii HW, it was not advertised so it was not a "lure" like the great 360 deals which WERE advertised. Either u are full of BS or your store manager is a dumbass... selling a popular product at a loss to make space??????? Does not compute.


our store manager isnt here, his grandmother died so he is where ever. One of the assistant managers made the decision to sell the Wii at a lower price.

How are you lacking for space if you just cleared out the majority of your stock in one day. You seem like a fibber.



Indeed he is, SSJ12 has lied about numerous things in the past. I'd go so far as to say hes compulsive.

not really, my sources are basically all posters here now a days. Who I wont say but you would be shocked at what positions some of the members of our community holds in the retail and game industries.

PR Managers try to stay on top of whats going to happen but things change. Still we did get an announcement on ICO 3 didnt we, no footage but confirmation of when we will get footage. So really I win.

So when will we get to see Trico?


E3 video and playable demo at TGS, release 2010.


Oh yeah.  I totally remember that announcement. 


makingmusic476 said:
ssj12 said:
shanbcn said:
ssj12 said:
Gobias said:
Paul said:
ssj12 said:


our store manager isnt here, his grandmother died so he is where ever. One of the assistant managers made the decision to sell the Wii at a lower price.

How are you lacking for space if you just cleared out the majority of your stock in one day. You seem like a fibber.



Indeed he is, SSJ12 has lied about numerous things in the past. I'd go so far as to say hes compulsive.

not really, my sources are basically all posters here now a days. Who I wont say but you would be shocked at what positions some of the members of our community holds in the retail and game industries.

PR Managers try to stay on top of whats going to happen but things change. Still we did get an announcement on ICO 3 didnt we, no footage but confirmation of when we will get footage. So really I win.

So when will we get to see Trico?


E3 video and playable demo at TGS, release 2010.


Oh yeah.  I totally remember that announcement. 



at least you do =D

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